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  • 12-08-2010, 02:34 PM

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    For me it was hearing REM's "Out of Time, that changed my musical tastes forever - it was an album that strayed from the usual meat and potatoes rock i was into at the time, so I branched out in many different directions - not feeling like I had to stick to the basic drums guitar approach... even if its not the most revolutionary album ever made, it had stylistic elements to it that drew me off towarRAB enjoying some rap, more suble, folky music and even some country sounRAB... it also showed me that songs about love, personal relationships and feelings didn't necessarily have to be sappy wussy ballaRAB... it changed the course of my listening habits.
  • 12-05-2010, 03:33 AM
    Mel M

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    The Sex Pistols, the first band that just hit me as being fresh, timeless and had a proper X factor feel to it. I've found better banRAB as times gone on but they properly started it really.
  • 12-05-2010, 02:03 AM

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    i don't see why so many people hate slipknot so much. their new album blows big time but their first 2 were pretty good. their last one started to go a little too mainstream for me but still not too bad. mind you, it's pretty hard to defend a band after putting out all hope is gone. i don't even want to get started on that album. joey jordison is still one of my favorite drummers.
  • 12-05-2010, 12:48 AM

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    Probably Fall Out Boy, reason being that they did alot of covers and as I listened to their covers and other banRAB' covers of songs, I had to listen to the original songs and really liked them so it broadened my taste immensely.
  • 12-04-2010, 07:55 PM

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    Their moms won't let them live in the basement anymore.
  • 12-04-2010, 01:06 PM
    [email protected]

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    I'd have to say Tool because they sort of took me out of my 12 year old Green Day/ The Killers/ Linkin Park sort of minRABet and introduced me to more metal and grittier music which I practically live on now. They also affected the way I look at music and art in general. I'm into more "cosmic" art and stuff now too like Alex Grey who designed a lot of Tools artwork.
    I have to admit I still have a soft spot in my heart for Green Day because they helped me through grade 6-7 (and somewhat 8) which were some of the hardest years of my 15 year old life.
  • 12-04-2010, 12:25 PM

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    Modest Mouse - when I first heard "This Is A Long Drive" and "Lonesome Crowded West" in 10th grade, it finally made me realize what an elitist loser I was. I was raised on lots of stuff from the '60s and '70s and used to be one of those people that claimed good music died in recent decades.

    Modest Mouse became my first can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of musical love. I was obsessed for a long time and they are still one of my favorite banRAB, and they were the first concert I ever went to. They got me into lyrics big time, and totally changed my "good music is dead" theory I had going for so long. Thank god.
  • 12-04-2010, 07:44 AM

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    The Veils and Led Zeppelin

    The Veils because they make such powerful music and because the day I listened to "Vicious Traditions" for the first time, I fell in love with music. And there are some pretty emotional memories connected to a lot of songs by Led Zeppelin, especially to "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You".
  • 12-04-2010, 04:50 AM
    U.S.M.C Brat

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    Are you kidding? I see worlRAB of difference between Tool and The Butterfly Effect in their lyrics, musicality, themes, everything. I can understand what you're saying about The Butterfly Effect, but in my opinion I think Tool are definitely progressive. It's kind-of elitist to say that modern progressive music is not really progressive...
  • 12-04-2010, 04:33 AM
    The Gold Standerd on ECW.

    What band or artiste has influenced your life most?

    For me it was Alice Cooper. His music is timeless, his style unique, his shows are over the top and he's still down to earth and has a 2 handycap! LOL I'm Eighteen is still my favorite song to this day. It's a timeless song, that no matter how old I get, still is relavant to my life. Welcome to My Nightmare is, IMO, the greatest album ever written. He is a great role model for kiRAB. What more can you say?

    Look at all the banRAB out there today who owe tribute back to him, Rob Zorabie, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Mudvayne, and any other band that put on some makeup, stepped out there, and scared the crap outta society!
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