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  • 01-05-2011, 11:24 PM
    monique b

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    I'm afraid that after watching Sex and the City, I just can't bring myself to call an anime sexist.

    However, if you want a sexist anime, I guess I'd say Eiken. Do yourself a favor and NEVER EVER WATCH IT.
  • 01-05-2011, 11:35 AM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    kallen is a very wierd case. If you solely look at her charachterization, she is an extremely progressive female charachter. She's the Best/Main mecha pilot in a show where most of the mechs are piloted by guys. She dosen`t hit guys for no reason and still has a confident attitude.

    It's just the way she is "filmed" that is sexist, but her charachter certainly isn't. Perhaps this is a form of weaning?
  • 01-04-2011, 09:55 AM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    I think the overdone fanservice is hurtful because most of these females come out of with nothing to show than "The show focuses on me to tease the male audience". It's an increasing trend that most of these characters have no actual character to speak of. The whole term fanservice is meant to suggest a break from the norm, a form of minor 'You asked for this, so enjoy it'. If you look at older shows, at most you might get one episode given over to fanservice. However we're now at the stage where there's an increasing trend of fanservice packed in as much as possible. The point was already raised and I agree that Kallen from Code Geass is a perfect example of this. R2 just turned her into something to be oggled, with that getting more screentime than unresolved plot points about her. "Here she is in bondage! Characterisation? What's that?". I'm still amazed that the voice actresses can happily go along with this.
  • 01-03-2011, 01:51 PM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    I'm going to take the opposite view of many in this thread: I think the portrayal of female characters is actually getting BETTER in anime than it was 10 years ago. I remeraber watching Sailor Moon, and it's ironic cause many female fans in America got started on anime with Sailor Moon, but let's be honest here: the portrayals of the Sailor Scouts weren't exactly the best. But it was common for the time. Nowdays, I'd definitely say female heroines are portrayed differently (and better) in anime in general.

    For America & the West on the other hand, I've noticed a growing misogynist streak running through American media. Perhaps it's the growing frustration of the average American male (in both getting laid & coping with modern feminism), but if you look closely at a lot of the American media these days (many shows of which are still written by men), you can see a growing anger/resentment towarRAB the modern women. Just look at your average stoner flick in which guys try to get laid & girls are portrayed as either birabo sluts and/or manipulative whores. The difference with anime fanservice is that a lot of it is tongue-in-cheek... it's not meant to be purposely hateful. But you see some of the American media today, and there's a lot of genuine hate inside the writings (particularly on the male end). In fact, American media in general has just gotten ANGRIER towarRAB EVERYTHING (women, immigration, gay rights, economy, war, etc.): I call it the Bill O'Reilly effect.
  • 01-03-2011, 03:47 AM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    Oh how bad could it possibly be?


    This makes Ikkitousen look like Moribito! I mean, what the hell? This goes beyond being merely funny or guilty pleasure. This is just...stupid.
  • 01-02-2011, 02:33 AM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    But if the girl is merely intelligent, would you think poorly of her or still respect her as you would with the attractive and intelligent girl?
  • 01-02-2011, 12:13 AM
    cutie bug

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    I totally agree with this.
    Fanservice is fine, but only when it flows into the story naturally. And even then it should be dealt with in moderation.

    Created stupid scenarios where it is pounded into a scene (I'm thinking of Fate/Stay, but many others apply) just ruins the flow and integrity of the show.

    Likewise, overdoing it with a particular character (such as Kallen) hurts the integrity of that female character.
    Kallen is a well rounded, interesting, strong, and independent character.
    Moreover, she isn't a "tramp" in the least, but you wouldn't know it if you only looked at the google image pictures of her.
  • 01-01-2011, 02:01 AM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    Hmm... You know I don't mind fanservice if the character is very dimensional and independent.

    But there is a point in when you're overdoing it. AKA Kallen- bunny suit.

    Some independent/good heroines:
    Lucy (Elfen Lied)
    Haruhi Suzumiya
    Haruhi Fujioka
    Lust (FMA)
    Clare (as well as the other Claymores)
    Tohru Honda
    Yuki Cross

    There's PLENTY of good heroines, you just have to look. :/
  • 12-31-2010, 02:55 PM

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    Feminism is an urabrella term that covers a lot of often conflicting ideologies, so pretty much any female character could be considered sexist from one viewpoint or another. You're probably best off writing what you feel without over thinking it because you can't please everybody.
  • 12-31-2010, 09:24 AM
    Darren J

    Anime and sexism/feminism

    lol, good song?, songs lame as hell, only the visuals good, gigidy, baseball bat guy? (the hell?).
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