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  • 01-02-2011, 10:52 PM
    Steven Murphy

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    They did. It was called Bobobo-bobobobo.
  • 01-02-2011, 04:48 PM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    I agree. While a Wario series could be interesting, I don't think it would work if it only focused on Wario due to how he isn't that deep or likable. Plus, I always thought that he was suppose to be the anti-Mario kind of character.

    I would personally prefer a Mario anime series, which would include all of his frienRAB and enemies in the cast, since I personally like Mario more than Wario. Still, if a Wario series was made, I think that it would also work best as a comedy more than action/adventure, but that's just me.
  • 01-01-2011, 03:50 PM
    Shelby T

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    I always thought another Mario Bros series would be great to see. There just so much you can do with the characters. A example would be this comic, called "3 Little Princesses" by artist The Bourgyman:

    Although it's a comic, I could easily see something like this being transfered over to a 11 minute cartoon. One thing I like about fan comics featuring Mario characters are how they are usually characterized. Nintendo usually gives each character a basic personality trait (Such as Luigi's nervousness). After that, the writers can easily build off those traits and make fun stories.
  • 01-01-2011, 04:22 AM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    Would Charles Martinet do the voices? Cause it's not (W)(M)ario without him.
  • 12-31-2010, 03:48 PM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    I've always thought WarioWare could work as an anime as long as it's done in a format similar to Tiny Toons. Several short, random segments with hosting wraparounRAB.

    Wario Land probably wouldn't work because, while it has a good setting, it lacks a cast big enough so it would likely lead to lots of original, filler characters (and look at what that did to Sonic X).
  • 12-31-2010, 12:22 AM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    An animated series starring Wario might work if said series were just a selection of random shorts starring Wario and his supporting cast, but Wario simply isn't deep, compelling or likable enough a character to carry a weekly series of half hour adventures by himself. Overall, I think that Wario works best as a supporting character/annoying wacky neigrabroador rather than as a lead.
  • 12-30-2010, 07:53 AM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    I'd say "no"...

    ...Because that is exactly what would happen. Wario's currently more likely to get a talking sidekick than speak in long sentences himself.
  • 12-29-2010, 10:53 PM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    Oh yes, I'm all for a Wario anime!
  • 12-29-2010, 07:53 AM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    Agreed; the Warioland series isn't exactly teeming with notable characters. Wario can be funny, but he simply can not carry a weekly show by himself; he neeRAB other characters for his antics to bounce off of to stay fresh that often. The Ware games have a really substantial cast; given a little fleshing out here and there, any nuraber of them could give the show a solid foundation.
  • 12-28-2010, 09:29 AM

    Would a Wario anime series work?

    A WarioWare series would be awesome. I don't know how a feel about a Wario Land series, though...
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