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  • 01-19-2011, 02:55 AM

    "After 20 years sober, he "fell off the wagon", and now..."

    ...it's worse than before. My brother was a problem drinker for 16 years ( he drank from age 15 until age 31, 12-18 beers a night) and came off alcohol with some trouble but did it. He never drank anything for the next 20 years. He moved in with his girlfriend whose condo had toxic mold. He got to feeling pretty bad, as did she, so after several months of this with no idea of what was causing the problems from the mold (waking at night in a sweat, rapid heart beat, anxiety, brain fog, etc.), he said he couldn't stand it and got him a six-pack. That was 18 months ago. They moved 8 months ago out of the mold and are still fighting off the effects from it. He has gone to 12 or more beers a day now, and says he can't quit. He also said the thought of not drinking was 5 times worse than the first time and that he wants to stop. AA did not help him before. How should we help him try and approach this? He wants to do it on his own again, but at 54, how can he do it? I don't know what to do, I just hate to see my little brother in this position, he never wanted to start back but I know how awful mold exposure can be, I went through it too, and it does a nuraber on the CNS and causes the mind to act different. I had to go on anti-depressants and Xanax from my exposure. It's a tough one to help him with, any advice would be good. Jackbeanstalk

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