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  • 01-21-2011, 12:22 PM

    I'm Home

    Thank you!
  • 01-21-2011, 10:06 AM

    I'm Home

    If your hurting ALOT then cut it down a few houses, or do the same the next day and see how you feel. I've learned that if I do something that HURTS the next day I take a breather, and don't do it, then when I try again I CAN do it, so its worth the pain cuz it gets you to the next milestone, even thou it hurts to begin with, you just gotta push yourself but not TOOOO HARD, costco is pushing it too hard LOL!! NO NO NO! That'll get you down, for sure. Thats ALOT to do.

    It's good your on the cyrabalta and xanex, also, your body puts itself into a depressive state with pain and healing to an extent, thats not helping either! It's just natural.

    Keep up the good work and just walk, you know when you're doing too much, or when its getting time to head home to lay down.

    You'll get there !! Keep the faith!
  • 01-20-2011, 09:17 PM

    I'm Home

    Oh I hope you get some good sleep.

    When Dh rubs my back, I lay on my side like I do to sleep. It is no big deal.

    For my baths, well, they are showers, and we keep the curtain half way closed so DH can get to me. All I need him for is to hand me my shampoo, face wash, and soap, because they are up high on a hangy thing. Then I need him to rinse me in the back and my head. All the mean while I sit on my stool and the water hits my legs. Then I need him to help me dry off, like my legs and back. I love my bath. I really look forward to it.

    I am sorry SO is such a jerk. Dh can be too, but in the last few days he has been nice. I cried today a lot and he was really supportive. I told him that I didn;t want this and I hate this. He understanRAB, although I know sometimes he is a little over whelmed with his responsibilities. I can't even concentrate on getting bills paid. And before I got sick, I did EVERYTHING. Literally. I realized today that one of our bills was due yesterday. Luckily it was just our water bill so I don't think anything will be shut off. It is mailed to our city so it will get there tomorrow.

    I have decided to just eat soup until my digestion is under control! LOL! I like soup so it is fine with me. I am still not eating a lot, but more than I was before surgery.

    I still use my potty chair (toilet raiser). I like it. It is funny looking and I can laugh about it. DH takes it off all the time when he uses the bathroom and forgets to replace it. It makes me mad because it hurts me to lift is and put it back on.

    So how many kiRAB do you have and what are there ages? As you know, I have one, 19 months. She is having a hard time understanding all this, but I show her my incisions and she calls them my owies. Sometimes she likes to touch them too. I tell her thats why I am sick, and I talk about when I will be better all the things we can do together. When I was in the hospital and she was spending the night with my mom (because DH couldn't handle her all night alone of course), they were hanging out together and no one was talking, and all of a sudden she said "momma is sick". That broke my heart. She says it again sometimes. Poor baby. She knows that something is wrong, and has for awhile I think. But it is still hard on her, I can tell.

    Alright I am going to try and get some sleep. I too just took my pain meRAB and hopefully they kick in soon. My appointment is at 10:30 am central time, so I will post as soon as I can after.
  • 01-20-2011, 08:32 PM

    I'm Home

    Hey Megss, and welcome home! Yay that the compressed nerve has been released! You must be elated!

    I had no appetite either, for quite a while. Eat what you can and make sure whatever you take in, since it won't be much, is healthy. Your appetite will come back. Take it easy and just rest as much as you can. The meRAB are going to make you tired, plus, of course, just healing and dealing with the pain. Everyday will be a little better.

    Did you bring home your breathy thing from the hospital? It's called an incentive spirometer because it's supposed to give you an incentive to take deep breaths. When you're lying down for extended perioRAB of time and when you're in pain, you tend to take more shallow breaths. Because of that, mucous can start accumulating in your lungs. If it gets infected, it can turn into pneumonia. The spirometer is preventive. If you can take really deep breaths periodically, it will help clear out that mucous and prevent pneumonia. Ideally, use it once an hour for 5-10 breaths. If you didn't bring the spirometer home, you can still take deep breaths on your own. For the best effect, breath as deeply as you can and then hold it for a few seconRAB.

    I hope you're feeling a bit better today. Surgery can mess up your hormones, so that's probably why you got your period early. Once it's past, at least you won't have to deal with it again for a while. What a pain in the neck, huh? I'm glad your mom is there to help you. What a blessing!

    Hang in there, Megss. It just gets better from here!

    Emily :wave:
  • 01-20-2011, 01:23 PM

    I'm Home

    LOOKEY YOU MOBILE and doing the STEPS!!! My goodness!! That's wonderful! I did no steps for 2 weeks, did them once for dr appt, then not again for another almost 2 weeks, now I can do them, and sometimes regular instead of stopping on each step.

    I too was beat, even now, today I went to the food store (didn't drive), and gimped around WITHOUT my cane today and just the 45 minutes of that I slept for 2 hrs when I got home, and I'm paying for it again now like I always do, let alone seeing family for Easter tomorrow! I guess since I didn't haveto pack the grocieries, put them in and out of the car, AND bring them all upstairs I can't complain, but surely I did hear alot of complaining from my SO and the kiRAB LOL!!!

    If your bodies tired you let it just sleep and sleep, the more rested we are the better and faster we heal. My first week was a daze between the exhaustion and pain meRAB for sure. Take that rest the best you can especially with that lil sweetie you got rearing to go! Glad you're taking the stool softeners, you will be glad that you did when the time comes believe me lol

    That is wonderful to see you post so soon I really thought you'd be MIA stuck upstairs for a week or more!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! You're going to zip past me in no time and leave me in the dust!

    How long does your mom say your incision is?? Just wondering what you got compared to what I got, mine is almost 6" long, but only on the back.

    I am so happy for you, you have no idea, for how much pain you were in and went thou in just the time I've had to read your posts and meet you. Every day to week you're going to feel better and better with improvements. I am so glad the time finally came for your surgery, those last 2 weeks seemed long TO ME for YOU lol!

    Get those ZZZzzzz's and rest rest rest! HUGGIES!
  • 01-20-2011, 12:17 PM

    I'm Home

    Ohh now is not the time to ease up on pain meRAB NO NO NO, you're way too early, and this is the beginning of your 2nd week, just keep taking them like you have don't try to rough anything believe me. But did you feel less nauseas today?? maybe it was a good test for you??

    As for hubby, rude awakening eh? This is only the beginning, so he's going to haveto grin and bear it and complain all he wants, you had MAJOR BACK SURGERY I'm sure he's stressed with the new to do list, but hay, thats what marriage is about. Tell him about me at SIX WEEKS and still could not fathom lifting Gracie, diaper, MAYBE but even that she'd haveto be on the couch and me trying to squat to change her, but it is feasible, but no way could I lift her- didn't you say she's nearly 30 lbs?? HECK NO NEVER.

    Great you got to go outside! I didn't today, way too sore, its pending rain here and I'm creeking, the weather really does me in too I see, not as bad as when I over do it but.

    Well don't ease up on your meRAB, once you let some pain creep in its very hard to get it away again, and if you're swelling apply ice, it truly does help SOME of the inflammation go down, i'm not sure for your belly with the surgery inflammation and no poopin but, it may help alittle and its very soothing, at least it was for me.

    Feel better, this is a harder week, so just keep the faith, and know that in a few days it's going to let up. Toward the end of the week you'll be back on track and noticing improvements like you were noticing, this is just a mini pause, I hated this week you're going into, I was getting accusumed to feeling the little bits of getting better, but, you'll get thru it, and tell hubby what you're feeling tonite, cuz he going to be helping out for AWHILE, if he doesn't, you're going to hurt yourself and hurt the surgery, and you may wind up NEEDING IT AGAIN if you don't do things right THIS TIME, let him know that TOO!
  • 01-20-2011, 08:56 AM

    I'm Home


    They said I couldn't take half of the Oxycontin, because that one is time released, but the oxycodone (percocet with no tylenol) is not, but those pills are so tiny I'm not sure that I could break it in half without destroying it.

    I am having a hard time controlling the pain today, and I'm sure its because they have increased the time between doses. On a positive note, I have not thrown up since the middle of the night 2 nights ago.

    Do you have weird dreams due to the pain medication? Ever since surgery, I am having crazy crazy dreams.

    I learned what cadaver bone is today. For some reason I thought it was fake plastic bone. Now I am a little freaked out that there is donor bone in my body. I guess I am an official donor recipient. I wonder who's bone I got? Stuff like that really makes you wonder.

    The supplements I am taking are called Calcifood and Ostrophin PMG. They are made by Standard Process Inc, and the bottles say they are only sold through health care professionals. I take 6 of each every day. My chiro/ nutritionist wants me to take them for 6 weeks.

    So the rain hurt you? We haven't had any rain for a long time, but it is supposed to rain all weekend. It is actually dry enough that they are posting fire warnings, and there have been some grass fires. I hope the rain doesn't bother me. My birthday is on Monday, and it is supposed to rain, and I want to feel decent on my birthday.

    As far as pushing myself, the reason I have been pushing is because my surgeon said "the more pain, the more gain." Meaning, he wants me walking a lot no matter what. My mom calls me asking if I did my walk this morning, then if I did my walk this afternoon, and so on. It's irritating.

    I have been extra tired today. Today must be a big healing day for my body. I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I have taken one nap so far Do you ever still feel like that? Or is your energy more back to normal yet?
  • 01-20-2011, 02:13 AM

    I'm Home

    SO is bigger than but head, I was LIVID. Thats the tip of the iceberg OMG!

    I could fill this message board lmao

    My next appt is in 4 weeks again, he always does 4 weeks, it's workmens comp so, hasto be 4 weeks all the time for my checkups.
    Some docs do 6 weeks, instead of 4. Once you get near 3-4months post op, then they care about the fusing end, from what I make of it all. So we just get zapped to see our insides lol and my bellyring I forgot to take out for the xray LMAO!

    2 weeks SUCK I KNOW terribleeee! It's almost over! Soon come thursday you'll be swinging up alittle, and by the w/e doing better. I finally graduated from the BIG toilet seat back to the normal one today. I keep forgetting I took it off and look like an idiot going to sit to go with my arms flaring like I'm falling til I get to the height of the old seat HAHAHA

    uGk my SO insists the dental work he got done (3 teeth pulled) was more painful than my 2 back surgeries. And hes being serious. I was going to kick him you know where and let him see what more is like back surgery pain!

    I don't even get any rubs, or massages, he says he's afraid hes going to break me.
    I think personally he's just lazy-as always.
    Thank GOD we don't live together or arer married, I couldn't take him lolol after all this?
    OMG. NO.

    I'm DYING to take a hot bath, but I got glass doors and if I get stuck no one can reach to get me out w the doors in the way UGK I may try tomorrow on my own w no kiRAB home and just relaxxxx for once.

    Alright, my heating pad is awaiting its placement and I'm whooped from today for sure, took all my pain meRAB and sleep meRAB and I am HITTIN THE HAY!

    Have a good nite!!
  • 01-20-2011, 01:51 AM

    I'm Home

    Oh I paid dearly for that walk. I threw up a lot last night, including all over the floor because I couldn't make it to the bathroom.

    You are not going to believe this. I called my dr for a refill this morning and they are making me start to wean off my pills as of now. All of them, including my muscle relaxers. I am only 9 days post 360 fusion!!!!! I started crying and told her I was in so much pain still, but apparently my surgeon refuses to prescribe them for more than 6 weeks post op. I am so scared, because it seems that so many people on here need them for a lot longer. I called my mom crying and she is going to my appointment next week to talk to him about it with me.

    So Rose, how are you doing? How often are you needing pain medication 5 weeks out?
  • 01-20-2011, 12:02 AM

    I'm Home


    I look pregnant as well from the swelling and constipation! LOL!

    I just tried a suppository so we will see if that helps. Rose, you arre right, I seem to be in a little set back, hitting the start of the 2nd week. I am in pain today, big time. My husband has been making me cry because he is mean to me sometimes about having to help me. Grace had a poopy diaper this morning and I needed him to change it since I cannot lift her onto her changing table and I was in too much pain to stand there. He yelled "fine I'll do it but it's your fault if I am late!". There have been different episodes like that. He is mad because he is having to do the cleaning and the laundry, cooking, dishes, child care, ect, and help me get juice and meals and things. I told him he is getting a little taste of what it is like to be me when I am healthy. Because its true, I have always done EVERYTHIING. He is such a baby and I am so mad at him and hurt. He didn't call to check on me during his lunhc break today. Oh Emily, Grace is 19 months.

    So I didn't take any pain killers all night long last night. I woke up MISERABLE though, and can't seem to get my pain under control today. I did walk out side a little because it is so nice here. I wanted to check to see which plants are coming up. I also noticed lots of weeRAB sprouting, but that made me happy.

    Alright off to lay down!
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