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  • 04-27-2011, 07:21 AM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    I was about to buy a wii last night at target but passed. Even though Metal Slug and Rouge Agent and Zelda were tempting to play. But i passed. And bought a blu ray movie CRANK.

    I dont know the wii doesnt really catch my attention as the console to have. It is though a must have for some fun times but thats about it.

    My target had 3 wii's and 1 ps3. I think the frenzy is starting to slow down.
  • 04-27-2011, 01:12 AM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    Wii sports is always fun when you just want to waste a bit of time.

    Playing zelda reminds me of the N64 zelda. feels almost exactly the same except for the fact that i actually have to move my hands around to get stuff done with the nunchuck.
  • 04-26-2011, 03:25 PM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    i was all about the wii up to xmas... now i haven't even turned it on since..

    i'm tempted to buy a 360 and let my wii collect dust unti MP3 and Galaxy come out
  • 04-26-2011, 01:39 PM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    i havent even turned it on to perform the updates for it. that might tell you something.
  • 04-26-2011, 12:00 AM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    most people say they still enjoy it, i still enjoy mine. wiisports came with the console...you dont make sense
  • 04-17-2011, 11:24 PM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

  • 04-16-2011, 10:04 PM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    most people are saying zelda is and wiisports gets boring unless you have friends around
  • 04-16-2011, 09:34 PM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    funny...most people in this thread are saying exactly the opposite of that
  • 04-16-2011, 06:27 AM

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    between VC, Zelda, and Wii Sports, my GF and I still gets plenty of enjoyment out of it. I'm not a hardcore gamer, neither is she, and I'm busy as fuck these days, but I play it when I get the chance.

    I'm hoping for more games soon tho. I need to get a game renting account somewhere.
  • 04-15-2011, 12:23 PM
    Katie skaterbabe

    who has grown tired of their Wii?

    my wife loves it. She sits down and makes a couple of Mii's now and then, plays a little bit of bowling and enjoys it for a bit. I'm looking forward to a few more games that she'll be able to enjoy. I got her to try boxing tonight and she had a blast, but didn't want to get to into it since it's getting late and we have to head off to bed soon. My daughter loves it, bowling, boxing etc. I didn't play it all this weekend because of football, but I'll probably log a couple more hours on Zelda sometime this week and I'm planning to pick up a GC game or 2 down the line. Finding the GC controllers is actually hard right now because none of hte stores in the area have anything in stock after the holidays. The wife is on the lookout for Wii Remotes too so we can get away from 1 remote for everyone when we are all playing.
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