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  • 05-04-2011, 09:48 AM

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I see my post cause some anger among the n95 enthusiasts. LEt me clarify.

    Although I liked the phone, all of what I said of the n95 is still true. Those that commented about my post really have no point of reference, becuase with no iphone in their hands, and onyl forum users to base their 'experience' on, they dont fit the bill of what this topic starter even asked. Buy an iphone, use it for a week and then come and see this topic. If not, do not talk to me about using an iphone 'theme', or how i needed to get the iphone on contract, because both are meanignless (no contract for me either). The phone is not just a pretty face, it is functional and intuitive. Who cares if it takes me '2 touches' to do the same thing that yuou have a shortcut for? I can remember how the rotating menu on the n95 would be slow and would be choppy for the first few seconds anyways, so who cares if it loads with one button tap. The iphone is so intuitive, and so much snappier and quick that I know that those who have complained about my post have not even used it. I can understand that some need the flexibility of symbian, which is fine, but do not tell me it is a better OS for the general people. Linux is a far more flexible platform then either windows or OSX, but you couldnt pay me to use it in place of OSX.

    Iphones crash, but not often save for one or two peopel that find it neccesary to post it all over the forums. In fact, you show me a browser, mobile or not, that DOEST crash. I know 6 peopel with iphones, with the list growing, and none seem to have constant crashign problems. In fact in the two weeks i had my n95, i couldnt even count the number of times i couldnt open up an app, or it would just shut off.

    oh, and if you cant use the browser one handed, I dont really understand why. I manage to do it all the time.

    All I can say is before climbing down my throat because you dont agree with what Ive said, use an iphone for an extended period, and you will see why people like it so much. Its the combo of stability, ease of use, zero latency, intuitive functions and great form foctor (dont tell me its bgger, becuase once in your pocket it is half as obtrusive as an n95).
  • 04-21-2011, 06:07 PM
    jo s

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    Well all things that have to do with the phone's OS go through Apple and iTunes is the conduit. If you want to check for software updates or do a restore it all comes off of Apple owned servers.
  • 04-21-2011, 03:42 AM

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I posted a new thread but this seem appropriate for here as well:


    The Father of the S60 GUI comments on the iPhone's interface.
  • 04-20-2011, 08:53 AM

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I wonder how much (if any) of the "middle man" Apple gets to cut out of the update cycle.

    Is it Apple releases an update direct to customers via iTunes, or will it be the usual "phone manufacturer releases update to carrier, who may or may not release it to the customer".
  • 04-19-2011, 08:08 AM
    [[Crimson Bloomx]]

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    Well the thing with the iPhone is Apple isn't going to leave it with a static feature set. It will be much easier for a company like Apple to add apps and capabilities to do things they think customers will want than it will be for nokia to revamp its entire user experience. Apple has been in the mobile handset business for less than 3 weeks now and even if you dismiss it as all hype, which I think would be a mistake, they have managed to make their presence felt in an all new market in an unprecedented way.
  • 04-18-2011, 12:24 PM

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    You are right JerryNY, the thing is i was a casual user also, till i realized, what was out there, and ill give props to the iphone, it will open the eyes of many consumers that knew no better.
  • 04-17-2011, 12:22 PM
    Da King Of M.E.M.P.H.I.S.

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    It's already been concluded the typical Iphone user will have.
    1. No knowledge of real smartphones/not looking for a smartphone
    2. Require extremely intuitive UI with no learning curve.
    3. Look for a stylish phone to make calls with and listen to songs.
    4. RAZR crowd

    This is why N95 is not aimed at this same crowd, because N95 can do 100 times more things than just make calls, and have a built-in Mp3 player and browse the internet.
  • 04-17-2011, 01:06 AM

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    You just explained why the N95 doesn't appeal to a casual user.
  • 04-16-2011, 09:04 PM
    Lucifer In Tears

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    This thread has turned into an intense debating competition, even though N95 has been pitted against Iphone innumerable times, each and every spec of both the phones has been compared to its resistor size, this discussion will still probably never end until both the models become outdated.
  • 04-15-2011, 11:01 PM
    Senior IC: Without a Muse

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    The e90, and the n95 are very similar beast, e90 wins with better battery and ram, the n95 is better music playback, better cam ,& 3.5mm jack, both have same processor, i think n95 because of the 320x 240 is easier to convert things and get things for , its more standard, and im a blue collared worker e90 is great at a desk job, but n985 is alot user friendly to me out on the street or beat., but both amazing phones.
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