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  • 05-15-2011, 07:21 PM

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    "Brooklyn1" wrote in message
    news[email protected]...

    You need to get yourself up to date. This may have been true in years
    gone by, but from what I hear, the health of our teeth is now much better
    than that of yours... Of course it is not something I would have even
    mentioned, being a naturally courteous person.... I don't need to flaunt my
    superiority to such as you ;p


  • 05-15-2011, 07:18 PM
    me moi

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    On Feb 26, 9:14?am, Michel Boucher wrote:
    Most priests are probably perfectly decent people, but it seems the
    higher up
    in the hierarchy one looks, the more detestable they get. Of course
    most priests aren't
    pedophiles, and pedophilia is a mental disorder that most folks who
    have it probably don't
    act on, just like most other socially inappropriate desires. Those
    who actually molest are
    morally flawed. The church authorities who conspire to cover up
    molestation are worse
    than the molesters, in that the former don't have the mental illness
    that tempts the latter.
    They are analogous to someone who murders for profit instead of in a
    "moment of passion."

    Personally. I hate the Roman Catholic Church for their policies on
    procreation. They'd
    rather see a child born, then die a horrible death from starvation,
    than to see women (and
    men) use contraception. People who reject Malthusianism are foolish,
    and institutions
    that do so are evil.

  • 05-15-2011, 07:17 PM
    David the old one

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    Re: [email protected] cal

    J. Clarke wrote:

    So again, when authorities controlled by religions act badly, the religions
    are blameless. Alrighty then.

    Understand that in the Dark and Middle Ages and even more recently in some
    places, almost all European countries operated under the Catholic equivalent
    of Sharia law. (The Vatican rep in the cited article isn't far removed from
    this concept.) Religion was complicit in the misery of life in most
    countries, using mind control over the populations to control kings and
    governments, demanding state sponsored religion and using it as grounds for
    all manner of horrific behavior. These centuries of horrors are, in fact,
    the reason our American founding fathers demanded a separation of church and
  • 05-05-2011, 08:11 PM

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    Nunya Bidnits wrote:

    Yeah, my first guess is it was Crumb, thanks for confirming this.

  • 05-05-2011, 09:54 AM

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    Re: [email protected]

    Steve Pope wrote:

    You're paraphrasing a line from R. Crumb's Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers:
    "Pot will tide you through times of no money better than money will tide you
    through times of no pot."

  • 05-05-2011, 02:15 AM
    pac man

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    Goomba wrote:

    Didn't somebody once say, "Booze will get your through times of
    no teeth better than teeth will get your through times of no booze"??

  • 05-04-2011, 01:53 AM

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    On Wed, 2 Mar 2011 01:41:13 -0500, "J. Clarke"

    Among most everything else businesswise Obamination is a pinhead...
    anytime costs go up for those who provide goods and services those
    costs are passed on to the consumers. Raise the taxes for employers
    and the consumers always pay. Raise costs on landlords and rents go
    up. Raise costs on those who make the economy function and those at
    the very bottom pay an ever greater proportion of the pennies in their
    pocket. Obamacare doesn't hurt the upper echelon but it wreaks havok
    on those already struggling to survive. And anyone believes medical
    care is doled out equally to poor and rich alike I have this bridge
    for sale in Brooklyn. I receive excellent dental care only because I
    can pay for it in full at the time services are rendered. If the
    grubbermint forces dentists to perform gratis you can bet your bippee
    that you'd rather do without. Threaten the business owner's
    pocketbook and jobs disappear, that's exactly what's occuring...
    actually that's been happening since Bubba Clinton drove manufacturing
    out of the US. An economy cannot exist on services only (services are
    a liablity), there must be production of durable goods (producing
    non-durables like food is a drain on an economy).
  • 05-03-2011, 09:28 AM

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    On Wed, 2 Mar 2011 00:27:26 -0800 (PST), spamtrap1888

    Dentist AND booze... no one has an excuse to smoke tobacco. I think
    my yearly dentist and booze bill are about equal. I guess I'm pretty
    lucky, I still have all my teeth and have never had any serious
    procedures, never a root canal. I was at the dentist yesterday for my
    biannual cleaning, found a filling that was chipped and needed
    patching, I'll be back on Monday. The cleaning cost $130, 'bout six
    months worth of Crystal Palace. I used to smoke, back when a carton
    of Weinsteins cost like $20.
  • 05-03-2011, 08:45 AM

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 23:27:20 -0500, Cheryl

    I agree that pet care is costly, but the primary difference is folks
    *choose* to have pets. People can't choose to be born without teeth.
    It's like if you haven't the funds to maintain it you don't *choose* a
    Mercedes, you drive a Toyota instead, Same with pets, if you can't
    afford vet bills for a dog or a cat you opt for a hamster, a turtle,
    or a goldfish.

    This remeinds me of my old friends in NYC who I was on the phone with
    last night, Christo and Betty from Cental America have had a parrot
    for a pet some 50 years now, Cleopatra is a riot. Parrots are one
    owner animals so she is partial only to Christo. Whenever Christo has
    to go out Cleopatra becomes livid, she attacks his shoes, rips at his
    shoelaces, but mostly she cusses. Cleopatra is bilingual and has
    quite the colorful vocabulary... when she gets enraged with Christo
    she calls him homosexual, faggot, bastard, etc, and in English and
    Spanish, she calls betty The Putana. And she's loud, they live in
    Queens and all the neighbors can hear Cleopatra. I need to remember
    to ask if Cleopatra knows douchebag, if not she will shortly. Anyone
    know how to say douchebag in Spanish.
  • 05-02-2011, 07:12 PM
    Dougles L

    Andrew Cuomo criticized for "public concubinage" of Sandra Lee

    On Mar 1, 11:27?pm, Cheryl wrote:

    Of course, you always have the option to put them down when they
    get too sick. That's what my family has always done.

    I also would like to have that option for myself.

    Cindy Hamilton
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