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  • 08-09-2011, 06:47 PM
    Em a leeeee


    The N97 mini has caught a lot of flak... I don't think it deserves most. Been using it for over a year now.

    Keyboard is awesome. Love it.
    Using it as a wi-fi hotspot.
    Unlimited data on AT&T.
    Fantastic Construction
    Not as much apps as Android, iPhone.
    Handy Blacklist keeps closing - not sure if it's a low memory issue or the program itself. Nothing else closes.
    Ui can be slow.

    For $200, I don't think you can go wrong.
  • 08-08-2011, 09:57 PM


    I would recommend the N97 mini. I came to this phone from an E71. The bigger screen is really nice and the N97 mini does have more apps available to it
  • 08-08-2011, 06:55 AM
    Alicejane B


    ^What he said, I'd either wait for the N8 to drop in price or look at the C7 if you prefer a qwerty. Holiday specials are just around the corner, so your probably better off waiting a month or two.
  • 08-07-2011, 10:59 AM
    DINO returns


    Keep the 71 until the n8 becomes more affordable.
  • 08-06-2011, 10:41 PM
    Hailey :3


    I hate bumping an old thread and apologize for that, just looking for some real user input. I've skimmed thru this thread and read many reviews.

    I'm kind of shopping for a new phone and not ready to throw down $500 on the N8 yet. I can get a nice N97 for $200. I'm using an E71 now. I use m4e and txt more than anything else.

    I need something to last me 6 months or so. Is it worth it? Yes/no? Input would be appreciated, you can pm me instead of bumping this thread and keeping it alive if you'd prefer. Thanks in advance! :buddies:
  • 08-06-2011, 04:55 PM


    Whoa, tons of pages indeed.

    Where to begin? I really wanted to like this phone, really I did. I may still keep it. I enjoy the sturdy and solid build. The keyboard is meh, touch UI is meh.

    The camera is good and I really dig the led flash that can be used as a torch.

    I'm a long N95-4 fan and as such I judge every phone by comparing to it. I was expecting better performance and sound out of the N97 speakers. They are just awfully low and do not have the robustness of the N95-4 speakers. Those are nice and loud with a bass to it that resonates inside the phone. The headphone audio jack doesn't have the deep enough bass that my ears enjoy on the N95-4.

    I'm probably being too nitpicky in the headphone department. I use BOSE in-ear headphones. But there is no mistaking that Nokia dropped the ball on the external speakers.

    Everything else I can live with, even the clunky interface and messaging. The scrolling is nice with the new update. For browser I just use Opera Mobile for Symbian. Works better than the built-in browser with the exception of flash support.

    Just got it two days ago and have been playing around with it. Heck if anyone wants to take it off my hands PM me while its still new. So torn!

    I would so get the N900 but no ATT 3G.
  • 08-01-2011, 08:35 PM
    Niko N


    Google is your friend.

    From here.

    Besides, you can see it illuminate in a number of the posted vids in this thread.
  • 07-31-2011, 07:04 PM


    Nokia would. Take a look at 9500. If you have heard this questions before instead of wondering where it stems from (which is my ***), what about sharing a link or a photo...
  • 07-31-2011, 11:18 AM
    Brown Beauty Misa+lvl3+


    No mention of the Stylus on the Amazon pages. Nokia USA exclusive?
  • 07-31-2011, 04:56 AM


    Hard to tell from the pics I've seen. This is the one that suggests to me that the keyboard might indeed be illuminated: http://static.xeonext.net/moony/n97_shot_1_800.jpg
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