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  • 08-01-2011, 02:58 AM

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    No one else has won that many events. If you want to count Jim Thorpe he won lots of events against other people who weren't specialists in those events. Every event that Phelps lined up for was against the best in the world in that particular event, rather than the best over a range of 5 or 10 events. Swimming that many events is fairly similar to a runner competing in and winning all of say 100m, 110m hurdles, 200m, 400m, 400m hurdles and a couple of relays. Added in the hurdles here to account for the different style of runner, since Phelps competes in different strokes (which most swimmers don't).

    May not be the greatest "Athlete" as that is VERY subjective and depends entirely on what you think is the definition of an athlete, but what he has done is absolutely amazing. I say this and I'm not an American.
  • 07-31-2011, 07:06 PM
    terran c

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Roger Federer all at some point were called the "greatest athlete" too. It happens everytime there is someone incredibly dominant in their sport, does it make it true? no. That's just the way the retarded american media works, get over it.
  • 07-31-2011, 11:03 AM

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    I agree, yet the media keep calling him "greatest athlete", not "greatest swimmer".. and as I said earlier, it's insulting to people who put in just as much effort and win just as many events, yet don't get as many medals.
  • 07-31-2011, 05:29 AM

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    thats why you compare swimmers to swimmers, shotputters to shotputters, etc.

    you cant cross compare sports. its just a dumb argument that cant be settled.
  • 07-30-2011, 09:34 AM
    ?a Chanthy

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    I'm not saying that he isn't a great swimmer and he has definitely put in a lot of effort. I'm just remarking that the number of medals for swimming is disproportionate and that counting total number of medals to assess which athlete is the "greatest" is retarded.
  • 07-29-2011, 03:01 PM
    pregnant wiv baby boy

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    Go for gold. Why would you let him win and be the "greatest" if he really wasn't? He shouldn't have a moment if he didn't earn it. Losing is a part of sports
  • 07-28-2011, 10:04 PM

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    I swim for the GOld ever time I'm in the water. I don't care who has what at that point, I'm swimming for Gold.
  • 07-28-2011, 05:31 PM

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    No you can't compare that
    and you can't compare the effort a swimmer puts into a single race vs the effort used in running either.

    it's all apples and oranges
    you can't directly compare running distance vs swimming distance.
    Try running 200m then try swimming 200m
    swimming does let you do more events but the physical ability to do all those and events and get gold that's an entirely different story
  • 07-27-2011, 04:22 PM

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

    Most of them are still fairly short races

    You can't even compare to somebody completing a pentathlon or having to get through multiple stages of competition to get one gold medal.
  • 07-27-2011, 07:56 AM
    Due 4/20/2010 with # 3

    ***OFFICIAL: Michael Phelps Thread v.nutswingers***

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