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  • 03-29-2012, 01:00 PM

    Should I (Coach) come out to my U12 soccer team? How?

    Im starting coaching a U12 soccer team next week and im wondering about coming out/being out to them etc. I want to be a possitive role model in their lives and alot of them come from homophobic families or schools and have never even met a gay person before (that they know of) and I really feel like I could be that person in their lives thats gay and "normal" and that they can look up to.Also, I was 12 when I first started realizing I had feelings for girls, so I feel like this could potentially be a critical time for some of them.

    I guess my question is partly "should I come out to them?" and partly "how?" They will be 10, 11, and 12 years old so im trying to find an age and situation appropriate way to do so. I was thinking about always wearing a rainbow wristband though im not sure at that age they would know what it means (but some of their parents probably would) or I was thinking that after a few weeks with them, we can start a practice with each saying something that we did on the weekend and then I could say "I came out to my mom" (cuz im out to pretty much everybody but her and im planning on telling her soon) and then see where that goes.

    but yeah, is that even something appropriate for me to be talking to 10, 11 and 12 year olds about? I feel like its an important issue but are they too young?

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