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  • 06-04-2012, 03:33 PM

    Will the Wisconsin recall election come down to the wire? - msnbc.com

    >> today. that wisconsin recall election is the most expensive from the state , and much of the money coming from outside of the state . and though walker has promised to take on quote outside special interests he has raised 7.5 times more money nan the democratic opponent, and two-thirds of the money has come from outside of wisconsin according to the scenter for public integrity, and joining me is reince priebus, and most importantly in the context, you are the former chair of the republican party in wisconsin and you know it well. this is your state , and let's talk about all of this money. you guys are just clobbering the democrats.
    >> sure.
    >> with this effort to defend scott walker .
    >> well sh, first of all who knows in the end who spent more. there is a lot of union money being spent up there, and it is enormous effort. this never would have had to happen, andrea, if the unions from the outside wouldn't have tried to come in to hijack the state of wisconsin . we are committed and i can speak for the rnc in wisconsin that we are committed to helping scott walker and committed to the idea that if you are someone of your word and govern as you campaign, you should be rewarded for that. and we have what scott walker is somebody who simply made some very few promises and one of them was that we weren't going to spend more money than we took in, and he committed to that promise, and now we are going to defend him. defend him, because i think that the rest of the country also needs to see that you can be someone of your word in this country and succeed, and he deserves it. the state is doing better because of his reforms.
    >> of course, the unions would argue and the democrats would argue on their behalf that none of this would have happened if he had not tried to break the union contracts and the right to bargain collectively.
    >> well, an dredreandrea, the problem in a seven-minute hit is that the formula in wisconsin is complex, and how a local unit of government levees the property tax is complicated. the fact of the matter is that unless the state of wisconsin uncuffed the hands of local governments and their own hands in madison, it wouldn't be possible to make ends meet in the state without being upside down and in debt. one thing that scott walker promised is that hi would issue reforms to make sure that the state was not spending more money than it took in, and let me tell you what we are talking about is a tiny fraction more that state employees have to pay toward towards their health care and their pension benefits. this is not like we are clobbering, and it is not like some draconian change. this is a small percentage increase, and half of what everyone else pays in the private sector . so, i think it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the outside big union, public union boss money coming in, in the first place, andrea.
    >> let me ask you about john kasic, the ohio governor who has had his own problems with the rollbacks on the union bargaining rights.
    >> sure.
    >> this is john kasich on meet the press where david greg i have asking him about giving the president some credit for the better employment in the auto industry in ohio and other states in the midwest as a result of the auto bailout.
    >> is there not some credit for the president there?
    >> david, the fact is that we are thrilled with the auto jobs and thrilled that the auto industry has been --
    >> mitt romney would not have bailed them out.
    >> well, we are thrilled with the auto industry , and give me the facts, 73,000 jobs created since '11. and you know how many direct jobs in the auto industry ? 1,800.
    >> of course, with governor kasich is not acknowledging is the jobs that would have been lost in the auto industry and the other industries and the companies that are reliant on it. if that bailout had not taken place, so shouldn't you guys be giving the president some credit for that?
    >> no, we don't have to give the president credit for handing out tax dollars. my belief is that a managed bankruptcy just like we see the airline companies across america, and seems like every three months one airline is filing chapter 11 to reorganize, and --
    >> mr. chairman, no private money on the table then, and steve rattner was there and he has praised mitt romney and bain capital and honest broker even though he is a former administration official he is back in the equity field, and he said no private money available and it had to be done by the government and no other taker.
    >> well, we have a difference of opinion, and i happen to believe believe, and i have been in the bankruptcy court as a lawyer, and i know that i have been in hearings in court and i know a little bit about this, and i can just tell you that managed bankruptcies in casings like general motors and chrysler , they can work to manage debt and manage creditors and that is exactly what happened. what ultimately allowed general motors and chrysler to come out of this was the managed bankruptcy they went through, and that is something that mitt romney had advocated for in 2006 , so, you know, this splitting hairs over who gets credit and who doesn't, i mean, the fact is that we believe that handing over millions and millions of dollars of tax money to bail out the private enterprise is not appropriate. and by the way, all of the money has not been paid back either. so managed bankruptcies can work. they did work for chrysler and general motors , and the fact is that the president has left, and not kept the eye on the ball when it comes to jobs in the country, and we have 500,000 fewer people employ ed today than when he took office, and playing the taxpayer shell game with president obama is something that we are not going to engage in.
    >> reince priebus, thank you. and any prediction on wisconsin right now before i let you go?
    >> i am feeling good about walker, but as republicans we have to keep the foot on the pedal, because it is not easy to win in wisconsin for any or either party, so it is always tough. we are used to it, and both parties have a pretty good turnout machine up there, and we have to wait and see, but i think that walker comes out successful.
    >> thank you so much, and we will check back with you in the next few days after the results.

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