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What comes after M0nday


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  • 11-05-2012, 02:40 PM
    unknown friend
    When you first got your glasses was the prescription right? If so and your vision got worse later then go to your doctors and have tests run. There are a few medical issues that cause your sight to deteriorate faster then normal like diabetes.

    If the prescription was not right from the beginning then either you went to a bad optician or the place that made the glasses did it badly.

    I have found if you have your eyes tested in the places that make glasses you get an inferior exam as they are getting kick backs to give glasses to people that don't always need them. Also if you get your glasses made at one of the inexpensive places that do it quickly they are usually a low quality lens too.

    Once I started going to a higher end lens which cost more my glasses were right and my vision problems went away. Yes you pay more but you also get what you pay for and those types of glasses usually come with 2 year warranties in case of breakage and scratching so that is also a plus the inexpensive places don't offer.
  • 11-05-2012, 12:15 PM
    Jane M.

    Why is it after two prescriptions I still can't read a number plate at 20m?

    I'm getting a bit down and fed up because i've been to two opticians to have my eyes tested, both seemed thorough tests and didn't seem to find a problem with my eyes and yet both glasses are not helping me read a car number plate at 20 meters. I can pick out shapes of some of the letters and generally seems sharper but just can't see it enough to read them without wasting several minutes of squinting and just guessing. I don't know what to do. Go to another opticians? Go to the doctors and see if they can pick up anything wrong? Also would thinning glass lenses effect how much I can see from a longer distance? I'm coming up to my driving test soon so I need to get this sorted and it is important to me that I can get driving for my career.

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