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  • 05-29-2013, 07:06 PM
    Cheese! all this is @?@#*# Evidence speaks for itself
    man! have u read 'Dr' Danikens books! Lord of the Rings is more of a documentry and fact than that.
  • 05-29-2013, 02:28 PM
    Futile fools!
    Of course man did it all from 0 Bc to todayAD! Simmulaities are caused by mans fear and uncertainty, and due to this universal emotion we get simmularities. Like the armpit and tear story, both water related, yes. But note that water is sacred and liquid creates life. Futhermore it answers exterstential questions like...hwere do we come from? They could not of known we are made from matter, or chemicals and substance, so by this PROXY the stories share simmularities.
    No evidence of aliens has been found on this planet or the moon and mars. The idea of aliens being gods is ridicuolus, this is because the red Indians belived in......you guessed it spirits,and this is shared by Roman and Russian beliefs probally due to early man traveling and sticking to this idea, because religion centralised, or politicaly based had not been invented!
    Guess thats all.......
  • 05-29-2013, 01:59 PM
    It is true that in History there is no great jump in mans technology capability prior too the Industrial Reveloution. On the other hand there is intrest in pre Ancient Civilisation history and universal ideas of us sharing basic motives in our belief systems...ie gods, creating man (Ra's tears, man coming out of giants armpits created by sweat). To futher counter balance we could also say that if man was visited by aliens what would be the nature of the vist? Would it lead to a technological jump, hault, or down sloping slump?

    Little solid evidence has been found, and the little 'valid' evidence there is, is questionable to say the least. Ideas of statues looking like aliens, such as in ancient Japan or Aztec/Mayan artifacts are very invalid. This being due to opinon determining this and modern standards. It is also clear to say that by comparing our space suits as ones bieng worn by ets, would also be not well founded, as despite man's leaps and bounds we still have functional, yet arcahic desighns for such garmets.

    On the other hand myths and stories do show simmulatrities on a global scale. For example how the gods work. Take the Egyption, Greek and Norse. Zeus imprisons Cronos and co. in Tartarus after a clash of titans and gods, and the conflict eill arise again. In Egypt Horus avenges Osirus' murder by fighting Seth to become Pharaoh and in Ragnarock the gods will fight the giants. All these share simmularities. Highly likely this is a product of coincidence, or something in the human psyche. Or a product of ancient globalisations. Though the basic elements of these stories, could just be the product of a retelling and retelling of old stories of events witnessed by man, commited by other 'beings'.

    In conclusion these are all hypothesis and are merely ideas for futher investigation. There is always the answer the aliens or other 'beings', but also the answer could lie in what we already know and need to investigate, or the answer is something we have all underlooked and not as yet found it.
  • 05-29-2013, 01:08 PM

    Theory...ridiculous yet thought provoking.

    Daniken's idea of ancient aliens is, to an ideal mind.....silly. Yet some ideas he points out in his book charriots of the Gods do deserve some merit as hypothesis. Though he lacks sufficient, tangent and realistic evidence a few of his ideas (and few to the smallest amount) deserve futher investigation of a proffesional nature.
    I want to know anyones views on this, sceptic or full blow Danikenites alike, and for examples not of proving that Daniken directly is wrong, but rather the proof (with realistic and sensible evidence) that man has not been alone.

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