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  • 07-11-2013, 08:52 AM

    Isreali Educational Falacy.

    Before getting on-topic, and applying the subject to the theme I will discuss about, I'd be honored, to mention, that I am an origin of Israel, and I am a true patriot of the homeland. I am utterly supporting my country, also its disadvantages. So, if there's someone to say I am rebeling against the country and the reign, it's certainly incorrect.

    So, the topic I chose to discuss about, is the Israeli Education, the major problems of the educational system within Israel. I do not support it, actually, I rebel to the educational system, yes.

    Well, the Israeli Educational Committee's vision of the right education, is only the Matriculation System, which is a system-based on letting the person to decide what two major subject to learn, while each subject is giving you 5 points in the conclusion; and additionally, you are able to choose 3-5 points in English and Math; and for the last but not least, the MUST Subjects, which are sport, Torah and more kinda' that. Overall, each student must obtain 22 points, to get graduated, in the minimum. In average, people accomplish 22-27 points. After serving the military, the academies and the universities, will demand you to have more points that you acquaired in the school, what is strongly fucking up the future of the citizens, because most of them can't even get a degree. That's the major position of mine, the problem I noted, is that we don't even have a chance to live respectfully, with a good salary, if we don't have atleast 4 points in English and 5 points in Math. The major dependence of your future, is rellying on the Math, and this is an issue should be solved, in my own opinion.

    The second falacy of the educational plot in Israel, is that they hire non-professional and not intellectually jeopardising teachers, they're not intelligent as needed, and they can't even challenge most of the students' logic.

    The third falacy, which is the last, is that the teachers do not teach us, how to learn, how to do it with fun. And that we don't learn anything kinda' Building subject, or Sewing subject. This is bad, in my opinion.

    For the conclusion, I can see how the Israeli Educational System is getting us in the wrong path, because we grow up by this system, and we don't have a basic knowledge about living independently in the world.


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