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  • 08-04-2013, 09:11 PM
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  • 07-11-2013, 10:36 AM

    "Human Prayers Created The God; God Implemented The Humans" - Allegory.

    I am not sure, but I think I fucking found a solution to the allegory which states, that we as humans, creating our God; while God is the one who created us. This is a very popularized allegory, as popularized as so being non-solvable. It was non-solvable for me too, till today, when I recalled about one thing my spiritual guide said me once, she said that we (humans) are having energies, which are maintaining people - as much a human is spiritualized as his inner forces and energies are being used. So I thought about the allegory, and I figured out!! If God was made once and created us, or if we were made by some other elementaric object, then we can still maintain our God we believe in, by our energies.

    See, I find God as a hugest energy-center, the center we can name as God, is the one to keep our earth alive. Once people will die - the contributing ones - the earth will die, so with the God, which is a hugest energy-center.

    *Prayers are power, energized power.
    *Spiritual inner forces are inreasing by our faith, no matter what it is.

    P.S: I am not so good in speaking english, therefore I got some grammatical mistakes. Sorry for that.

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