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What is the sum of 36 and 12


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  • 08-27-2009, 01:57 PM
    Yahoo sucks the big one
    Definitely. Someone will always try to outdo another in whatever way they can.

    And the easiest way to hurt or impress someone is by hitting their wallet.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:56 PM
    Yahoo sucks the big one
    Definitely. Someone will always try to outdo another in whatever way they can.

    And the easiest way to hurt or impress someone is by hitting their wallet.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:56 PM
    Phil M
    Most? No. many? Absolutely.

    You know what's funny about that? Our entire economy is based on people spending more than they make...
  • 08-27-2009, 01:56 PM
    I think that there are many reasons why some people end up being classified in the poor class. Some do waste their money and over spend. But, there are some who have poor health and are not able to work full time. Some do work full time, but end up spending lots of money on doctors and health care. There are many who do waste money but not all. It is a complex situation. In conclusion, not all try to live a lifestyle that they cannot afford.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:55 PM
    Captain Parker
    Yes, I think that is the case for the past 20-30 years.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:54 PM
    Yeah pretty much, I wish more people think the way you do. i agree with the class issue that there will always be income classes. How can we actually have a "poor class" of people that have two cars and a flat screen TV in there house. The middle class is getting smaller as we speak but we seem to plug along and provide for the family as much as we can. As for the "rich" that you discribed as "uncaring" I tend to disagree with you. How much money do they have to throw away in taxes to be called a caring class.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:53 PM
    Dolce and Gabbana hello!?
  • 08-27-2009, 01:53 PM
    I have more debt than I like and am paying it down...I can afford my lifestyle...no delusion here.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:53 PM
    A lot of people do but not the majority.

    That's why you need a severe recession or a mild depression every generation to bring things back into balance.
  • 08-27-2009, 01:52 PM
    The people are just imitating their government.

    The Chinese are great at saving money.

    Many poor people have simply made many bad decisions and fail to accept responsibility for their actions.

    Why is it that legal immigrants come to the US all the time and within 10 years become very successful - broke, language barrier, culture barrier,etc - it's not easy but these people are used to much worse.
    Americans have become lazy and fat, we have changed and no longer appreciate the freedoms we have. We expect everything to handed to us on a silver platter from the government.
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