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  • 02-18-2011, 12:51 PM

    Re: Why do adults always complain about teens nowadays?

    The new generation has such entitlement issues that I really am concerned about the future.
  • 02-18-2011, 08:47 AM

    Re: Why do adults always complain about teens nowadays?

    U think u will b happy when u do that,do drugs,have sex with girls who u don't know whether u 1 2 get married with & the rest of the bad habits.Crystal clear,if u think that u are better,smarter & stronger than those adults,well then u r perfectly WRONG.Those adults have been through things so many times b4 u.They've seen it b4 & they know what is right from wrong.All that complains R good 4 the right reasons.The truth is,they 1 2 SAVE u from bad things like sudden deaths,unexpected pregnancies & accidents.That's reality.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:59 PM
    Well, frankly becasue they are spolied, Selfish, Have no regards for other people, completely disrespectful, way off in morals, think they are the "boss" and can do whatever whenever they want, no regard for the rules or their parents, they may think they have self respect, but they really have no if they go around doing whom ever, they have set their bar of standards for others not only themselves at the lowest point it can go and indeed are a bunch of hooligans who are a menace to society and they live in a complete fantasy world and they all need to be shipped off to millitary school and this is coming from someone who is only 3 years older than you.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:59 PM
    People have always been complaining about the younger generation, it is nothing new.

    But you are another story. Learn a few morals dear.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:58 PM
    Even though I do drugs, drink and have had 2 abortions since I was 12 I am proud of myself and my life.
    Even though I do drugs, drink and have had 2 abortions since I was 12 I am proud of myself and my life.
    Even though I do drugs, drink and have had 2 abortions since I was 12 I am proud of myself and my life.
    Even though I do drugs, drink and have had 2 abortions since I was 12 I am proud of myself and my life.
    Even though I do drugs, drink and have had 2 abortions since I was 12 I am proud of myself and my life.
    Even though I do drugs, drink and have had 2 abortions since I was 12 I am proud of myself and my life.

    Enough said.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:55 PM
    Our 2 girls
    I hope this post is fictitious and sarcastic (at least for your sake). You do accidentally make one good point I agree with. Past generations including mine have made and continue to make major mistakes when it comes to the environment. I don't understand how "conservatives" who claim to be pro-family don't care about the environment they will leave their grandchildren. I'm also not wild about all the nuclear weapons that are still around.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:48 PM
    Whispet B
    Well, I do believe the older generation,such as your parents, probably has a lot to do with the way your generation has been molded:

    Hopefully everyone will work together to raise their kids with great morals, and you don't teach your kids "to do drugs, drink, and have allot of sex."...and may I add, teach their kids proper GRAMMAR!
  • 08-31-2009, 01:48 PM
    Adults have always complained about teens. Get over it. Some day, you'lll be a grownup and will be doing the same thing.

    And, honey, it wasn't the pre-2000 generations that messed it up for you. Illiteracy, poor grammar, and inability to think logically... those might be bigger problems for you. Sorry.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:48 PM
    MIchelle P
    Older people have been complaining about younger people since the beginning of time, which I do not agree with, but you are another story.You are either seriously delusional or a TROLL.
  • 08-31-2009, 01:41 PM
    Okay, let's dove right in...
    1.) Rap fucking sucks.
    2.) I think someone who can't spell "a lot" is undereducated.

    I don't have anything else to say about the rest of your rant other than the fact that you're a fucking moron! Stay the hell away from me.
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