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  • 12-14-2006, 10:25 AM
    Take her to a vet as soon as possible. She might have an internal injury. Purring while in pain is a self-calming measure. Crying and odd behavior show that she is having problems with pain and she's trying to tell you. Get her help. Now.

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  • 12-14-2006, 10:04 AM
    just me
    When a cat acts out of the ordinary it is usually a sign to you that something could be wrong. So a trip to the vet is likely your best bet. But to give you some ideas of what could be wrong with her I'll tell you what this behavior could mean(I was a vet tech before I started law school, plus I've had several cats so you get to know signs of certain common ailments). First of all if she is unneutered she may be in heat. A cat in heat can act differently then you're use to. However, if you've had her a while and she's never done this then that's probably not the case. Secondly, she could have a urinary tract infection. I had a cat who got these quite often and she would whine and meow a lot like she was in pain. If you've noticed urine that has a pinkish tint or a stronger odor than usually this might be the problem. Other possibilities is that she might have hurt her leg (could explain the slow moving). There are numerous things it could be and the best bet is to go to the Vet and have him/her check her out to make sure she's ok. If she's not eating, then you definitely need to take her to the Vet, ASAP. When a cat stops eating it's a sign of sickness, their way of telling you I don't feel good.
    If you wanted to see if she's in pain anywhere you could gently palpate her (like the vet does while examining the cat), I'd only try this is she's agreeable to you poking around on her. It's always good to know where the cat hurts so when the Vet asks you can give him/her all the information you know.

    Good luck and I hope your cat is ok.

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:51 AM
    if she is older than 5 or 6 months and has not been spayed-she may be in her first heat. Meaning she is wanting to find a mate and get pregnant.
    If she is already spayed or younger,,, then you need to call the vet today.

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:49 AM
    Cats will purr not only when they are content and happy, but also when they are in distress or are suffering pain. Moving slowly could mean she has ingested something that is affecting her motor system (garden chemicals, for example). You really should not wait for answers from people on this site, but rather take her to the vet immediately. Those who own pets have a duty to care for them - and this looks like a real case for that responsibility to be exercised. I hope you cat will soon return to her normal self.

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:45 AM
    Joel B
    sounds like your cat is in heep. she will wine and wine untill she finds a male. don't let her go outside.

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:42 AM
    Take her to the vet... your cat sounds like she is in pain.

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:40 AM
    she might be pregnant!!

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:39 AM
    I would also ask how old is she.

    Does she have arthritis?

    Take her to the vet for a check-up: You could get better advice that way.

    Good luck!

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:38 AM
    Whenever your pet acts diffrerently, it's a good idea to see the vet. Only they can tell you what is wrong, and it could be something serious since she is moving so slowly, etc.

    Is she spayed? If not, she may be in heat!

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  • 12-14-2006, 09:36 AM
    How old is she?

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