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What is the sum of 36 and 12


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  • 03-02-2008, 10:23 PM
    mike s
    Since the disengagement there has been a sharp increase in the number of rockets launched at the western Negev. (Until the disengagement, massive rocket fire was aimed at the Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip.) The preferred targets during 2006 were the city of Sderot and civilians living in settlements in the western Negev, although attempts were made to launch rockets as far away as Ashkelon.

    In 2006, 861 rockets were fired at population centers in the western Negev, as compared with 222 in 2005 and 268 in 2004 (not including rockets fired at Israeli settlements inside the Gaza Strip).

    In May 2007, Palestinians launched some 300 Kassam rockets from Gaza at Sderot and the western Negev. Hamas openly claimed responsibility for the attack.

    Inother words Israel gave land to allow palestinians to develope as a first stage towards peace and within a year look how they reacted.
    Someone jumps you in the street and u end up with minor bruses but break his arm who is at fault?
  • 03-02-2008, 10:23 PM
    Happy Man
    The palestinians are cotrolled by Hamas who believe that Israelis have no right to exist. Israel should drop a tactical nuke on the gaza strip.
  • 03-02-2008, 10:23 PM
    not to worry mate israeli time is up...its openly says it will gaza its own holocaust, they themselves have no idea whats coming....
  • 03-02-2008, 10:23 PM

    israel killed +660 Palestinians in 2006 / Palestinians killed "23" israeli in 2006?who i

    ...terrorist? israelis claim that they r defending themselves from what they call "Palestinian terrorists" who attack israel day & night ,in an attempt to justify the horrible attacks carried by israel against the Palestinian ppl.
    But according to the numbers i mentioned,which is from an israeli newspaper(haaretz)
    it looks like the opposite is happening,
    when israel kills 660 Palestinian,at least 75% of them r civilians,BABIES&women&demolishes 292 Palestinian houses in 2006 only.
    at the same time ,the Palestinians killed only "23" israeli in one full year!
    i think that things look different than what the israelis r claiming!!
    its very clear by the numbers,that israel is mass killing the Palestinians while the Palestinians r trying to defend themselves and resist the israeli cruel aggresion against them.
    according to those numbers,who do u think is the terrorist& who is the victim?
    numbers talk
    (excluding the HOLOCAUST going on today in Gaza

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