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  • 03-17-2008, 08:45 PM
    1. Not sure about the dark under arms sorry.
    2. The stretch marks are from growing. I'm 6' and when I hit my growth spurts I got stretch marks on my legs. Bio-oil and mederma are big stretchmark reducers. They won't get rid of them but help them blend in.
    3. To tone you need to make sure you are eating right - carbs in the morning, an even blend of natural sugars/carbs/protiens in the middle of the day, lean protien at in the evening. Give up the soda. Make sure you get plenty of Fiber. Snack healthy in between meals. Jogging is a great way to tone up with out building up, and there is nothing wrong with weights even at 16 just do lots of light repitition to build tone. Heavy wieghts build muscle mass which will just make you bigger.

    Good luck!
  • 03-17-2008, 08:44 PM
    I'm 16 too. One thing I know is that stretch marks don't go away and if I only had them on my shoulders, I would jump for joy. My stretch marks cover almost 45% of my torso, arms and thighs. My only option is to have the skin cut off an be left with long eight-nine inch scars. I can't wear sleeveless shirts or anything that shows my stomach or back. I can't wear a bathing suit of any kind.

    Shoulders getting broader is puberty (granted you're not eating McDonalds everyday).

    I think a dermatologist can help with the dark underarms.
  • 03-17-2008, 08:44 PM
    Shalika D

    hygiene issues for a 16 year old.?

    i figured the most honest answers i'd get would be from the internet - and from strangers who don't know me. so yeah.

    i have a few hygiene issues. first of all -

    my underarms are hopelessly dark and i've used this nivea whitening deo and it made it slight better. but then after i waxed my underarms for the first time, it got worse.

    secondly im getting STRETCH marks on my shoulders, i have no idea why? how do i remove them?

    and thirdly my shoulders are broad and my upper arms seem to be bigger than everything else. so how do i lose weight and tone up there - without using weights? since i'm only 16.

    thanks, cheers!

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