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  • 10-30-2008, 04:40 PM

    Saturday Night Live Provides Better News Coverage on Biden Than AP [Silicon Moon]

    HatTip To WSJ's James Taranto. It's sad when Saturday Night Live provides a better commentary on Biden's statements than the AP and other media outlets. From WSJ's Best of the Web...

    Jason Sudeikis as Biden elaborates on the real Biden's warning:

    "Let me tell you something else--and listen to me well. As sure as I'm standing here today, during his first few weeks in office, this brilliant young president is going to be tested! Tested by an international crisis, the likes of which this nation has never before seen! A deliberately manufactured crisis, designed to test his mettle! All right?

    Now, in this crisis, he will have to make decisions, decisions that may at first, though they may seem, to the casual observer, seem a little ill considered. Our military may invade Pakistan! Or surrender to the Chinese! We may sell Hawaii to Saudi Arabia! Or just destroy it, so it can't fall into North Korean hands. But just reserve your judgment. We know what we're doin'! That's right! . . .

    Mark my words! If you take away nothing else from what I say here today, or, indeed, in this entire campaign, remember this: If Barack Obama is elected, we will have a crisis! And when this crisis hits--and it will!--in the second week of February, we may do some weird things. We may cede Florida back to Spain! Or Alaska to the Russians! We may blow up every nuclear power plant in the country! We may set fire to Washington, D.C.! We may round up all French-Canadians. But don't lose faith, it's all part of a plan. . . .

    I'm going to say something else now, and I want you to mark well the words that I say! The words that I say--and remember that I said them here today. In the second year of the presidency of Barack Obama, a young child shall come from out of the North, from a city of steel! And this child shall rule for a time! But the child shall rule falsely! In deceit! By the trident of Neptune! What I have spoken is the truth!"


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