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  • 10-18-2010, 09:30 PM
    Heather Conley

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt View Post

    allowing trading to go on sends the wrong message. especially to those new to private trackers, who see trading going on and think it's appropriate (meanwhile they may be inadvertently compromising the bit torrent community by allowing the wrong element into trackers).

    whether it is technically supporting trading or not is irrelevant, because it has the appearance of support. it is better to avoid impropriety, actual or perceived.

    if a forum doesn't support trading, it should ban members for doing it. yes trading will still continue somewhere, somehow, just like all illicit activities, but treating it as an illicit activity will send the correct message, teach the uninformed, and reduce trading overall in the bit torrent community.
    I don't disagree but I'm not in a position to effect those changes.Sorry if that sounds like a cop-out but it's the truth .As for any perceived hypocrisy of my continuing participation in a site that de facto supports trading all I can say is that I believe that I attempt to push the site in better direction .
  • 10-17-2010, 11:06 PM
    Angry Little Fairy

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    excellent i thing this is one of the best post
    I agree 100% with the original thread
    i read this post today but i was thinking the same thing since long

    after all every thing is a trade which involves greed.

    all invite sites are soft traders.
  • 10-17-2010, 02:53 PM

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    Quote Originally Posted by Slickerey View Post
    I think I know who the guy you're talking about is. Anyways, I'm not going to say his name just so I can protect his identity. Many of the staff members at TorrentInvite.com are NOT a decent bunch because they don't take the time to try and spell correctly or even put a whole sentence together.

    As for the trading thing, I think that many of them are. Some people just give out invites to sites that are hard to join only so that they could end up joining the tracker of their dreams. What kind of bull is that? :wacko:
    lol, one of staff members there can barely write proper English. I have to reread his comments three to four times just to understand the gist of it.
  • 10-17-2010, 11:52 AM

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    Thanks for reducing my post to the most radical and basic derivatives.
  • 10-17-2010, 07:56 AM
    Staypuff MarshMallow Man

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I'm sorry but I fail to see how trading section here shows that FST supports trading.
    I might be mistaken but aren't allowing and supporting two entirely different things.
    Many States allow marriage as young as 16 ( or younger ) but I doubt if you will find many that say they support anyone actually doing it.

    TBS and the like may put themselves in a better light than FST by their stance but it the words ring a little hollow .
    Draconian measures may appeal to those lacking in intelligence but as example after example has shown they do very little in solving any problems ,they merely result in driving them underground.
    At least here at FST some people ,agree or disagree with what they do, acknowledge who they are and you then have a choice depending on your sensibilities with whether you wish to associate with them or not.
    allowing trading to go on sends the wrong message. especially to those new to private trackers, who see trading going on and think it's appropriate (meanwhile they may be inadvertently compromising the bit torrent community by allowing the wrong element into trackers).

    whether it is technically supporting trading or not is irrelevant, because it has the appearance of support. it is better to avoid impropriety, actual or perceived.

    if a forum doesn't support trading, it should ban members for doing it. yes trading will still continue somewhere, somehow, just like all illicit activities, but treating it as an illicit activity will send the correct message, teach the uninformed, and reduce trading overall in the bit torrent community.
  • 10-17-2010, 12:16 AM

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    You are absolutely 100% correct. The worst example I've seen of this is on a site called TTInvite, where invites are exchanged for 'invite points', and any user 'giving away' an invite can stipulate the number of invite points they want to receive in return. This basically means that trading is similar to a bartering-based economy, and invite giveaway communities are currency-based economies.

    Then, the invite communities act all righteous and claim that "we're not causing any harm, we ban trades, we only do giveaways!"

    The thing is, tracker staff who've given the issue some thought don't dislike trades any more than giveaways. Both of them are equally bad in our eyes, because both of them fundamentally undermine the reasons the torrent sites are invite only in the first place.

    Torrent sites are invite-only because the admins need to keep the site secure and keep the economy working. Once random people start getting invited in, no matter if it's a trade or a giveaway, both of those pillars start collapsing. This is why the so-called 'anti-traders' who think they're all cool because they only give away invites really get to me.
  • 10-17-2010, 12:09 AM
    Navo Senthil

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    I think I know who the guy you're talking about is. Anyways, I'm not going to say his name just so I can protect his identity. Many of the staff members at TorrentInvite.com are NOT a decent bunch because they don't take the time to try and spell correctly or even put a whole sentence together.

    As for the trading thing, I think that many of them are. Some people just give out invites to sites that are hard to join only so that they could end up joining the tracker of their dreams. What kind of bull is that? :wacko:
  • 10-16-2010, 08:10 PM
    A musician from Taiwan

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    As far as I know it only takes two people to have a discussion ( or fight) so unless you want to amend "most people" to "no one " the comment is self negating.
    Not at all; you haven't considered interference or even participation rates.
  • 10-16-2010, 12:48 PM

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?


    u really have think so deep and so hard to write all that and make all those connections..

    Geez,i understand people hate trading and thats that,but u,on the other hand,are taking this to the next level.ur whole point here is giveaways should also stop....which means ass kissing should be the future.i hope this never happens.
  • 10-16-2010, 07:55 AM

    Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin View Post
    It's not really a question, people don't just give away invites without expecting something back for themselves.
    Speak for yourself some like myself need nothing in return.
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