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  • 10-20-2010, 05:23 PM

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    Vinnie is all of the above and more!
  • 10-17-2010, 04:35 PM
    Jose S

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    The source code for Moose has been previously released at gnucleus.net
    The serial number and other special features are locked in a private binary that is highly connected and compiled into the code base to protect our time investment. This is also legal under the GPL.
    Moose checks into the home site every so often to check for new versions, obtain a fresh list of hosts, and confirm the serial number.
    A small amount of statistical information is transfered at that time via a secured encrypted connection. Things like what types of files were downloaded, number of megabytes transfered, how many connections were dropped, keywords searched, file content type, horizon size, files shared, connection speed, service provider, etc. This information is added to a large statistical database for general overall statistical information only and will not be specific to any user. It will all be laid out in our new privacy policy that must be agreed to when you first run Moose.
    We will have a very comprehensive statistics web page available to our subscribed users on the web site. We provide valuable information to all our users.
    The Moose is coming along quite nicely.

    Use the Moose!
  • 10-17-2010, 07:15 AM

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    What we posted is NO crap!!!

    For the last TIME prove your words! Or will you start with hot air like Sephiroth - many words without facts!

    Yes the MAIN problem is VINNIE but he is the chief coder so THIS IS OF COURSE A BEARSHARE ISSUE!

  • 10-17-2010, 05:08 AM

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    Abaris, you are inconsistent here:

    You say "even if all bears were clustered together, that wouldn't necessarily mean that it hurts the network." So how does it hurt the network if we cluster all non-Bears in response? In fact, arguably, we are achieving nothing, since the bears are already clustered 'away' from us, there is no real need for us to cluster 'away' from them.

    I think the same argument extends to limewire, but see the sixth paragraph below because I don't think I need to argue the point further.

    I can certainly understand people not wanting to take part in opensourcep2p, but all this uproar and fear and worry seems unwarranted. So unregistered is nearly as rude as Vinnie - but do you guys (afisk included) go harrassing Vinnie to change his ways? I wish you would, he is a w@nker.

    Another note, Xolox and Phex are not the only ones which were blasting search packets. gtk-gnutella was sending them off (optionally) pretty damn often [Edit note (I think from memory - maybe I'm confused with download retries)]. Is this practise really so harmful to the network? I don't think so. It has been greatly overstated and is no reason to block a whole client.

    There is a simple solution to this for any client who does think it's a problem - simply do not propogate a search packet if you just saw the same search from the same client 5 seconds ago. And this should be implemented in any good client anyway, to prevent deliberate abuse of the network. These types of sanity checks are totally standard practise for any sane internet client.

    No need to block the Xolox, this was just an excuse by Vinnie to block a client, if you ask me.

    So we want to block him back? Is that so unusual? Look at the West Bank - go try to talk them out of their revenge killings back and forth, not us out of a few little data packets we want to drop - there are a lot more lives at stake there. I think your concern is misplaced.

    Most users when given the choice to block clients of their own choosing will block nothing, or will block bearshare (at the moment). After all, the more clients a user blocks, the less clients they can search, right? So they will only block the ones they really hate.

    Unless a real lot of people choose to block something, you won't even notice the effect above the normal network noise of people logging off, swamped connections, etc etc. So it is only clients who do something really extreme that will ever find themselves 'suffering' from people blocking.

    As for whether splitting the network altogether is a bad thing, I have argued this point before. The number of clients on the network is around 30-50 x generally accepted horizon size of 10000 machines. If some of these machines disappear to another network, then your horizon size hasn't changed. OK, Ultrapeers are meant to increase the horizon by 80 - 500 times, but are the users leaving limewire users? If not, limewire won't experience a difference.

    And the bigger question - would they stay - would anyone joining opensourcep2p stay - if opensourcep2p wasn't there? People who are this annoyed with BearShare and feel threatened that more BS-like behaviour is going to encompass the gnutella .. many of them are going to leave gnutella anyway, I think. We are just the movement of those people who would like to continue to work on the existing protocol and clients, instead of trying some new protocol - there are plenty out there I'm sure.

    You should be happy to have our input.

    [Editted 12.04.02 to add note about gtk hammering possible confusion],/I.
  • 10-16-2010, 09:08 PM

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    I have no feelings on this subject one way or the other ,so plz forgive me for trolling,yet I find it ironic that over @ the OpenSource P2P website they have listed Bearshare.nets various host caches as an entry point into Gnutella....am I missing something here?

    Having said that though I wish you guys well in trying to achieve your goal,choice is a good thing to have.
  • 10-16-2010, 08:07 PM
    Dr. Celticâ„¢

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    The problem of gnutella (greed) could maybe reduced to one word:


    The guys from GDF found each other about a year ago, worked together, improved something and are proud of what they did. Now they defend each other also if one or two member are a bit selfish. They tolerate as long as they still can participate somehow. If someone found a improvement, they are telling each other compliments and make it a standard, it works somehow. very human. frustrating for every new developer or every developer that is fallen from the noble table of the GDF. The GDF gained the status of a high society, ignoring what's going on outside. With that perspective in mind I can perfectly understand Limewire, they really believe they are doing a good work, there is no harming greed and Bearshare is a cool business alliance.

    Unfourtunately Gnutella is not GDF only and GDF decisions outside the GDF do not look that bright, so do Bearshare and Limewire look not that bright. How many users and devleopers do need to complain until the GDF is becoming more open and a true gnutella developer community. No, Limewire is not the big evil... nobody told this... but some non-GDF developers do not tolerate their politics (as they don't tolerate bearshare).

    It must be a suprise for you, but things have to change - or - Gnutella development will be splitted more and more. Don't close your eyes and talk about unimportant megapeer details, the network is splitting now.
  • 10-16-2010, 05:18 PM

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    You're right, this isn't a BearShare issue. Funny that you all keep trying to bury your own hypocrisy by posting crap about BearShare.
  • 10-16-2010, 04:47 PM

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    That's a really good question. As I understand it, under the GPL any derivitive work must release the source code that was used. Isn't Limewire Pro basically a derivitive work of the free version?

    Then again, Limewire Pro may contain some code altered enough to no longer require coverage under the GPL from the free version. In which case they wouldn't be required to release those parts of the code.

    As I understand it a link to download the source isn't required anywhere, but the source must be available by request (example: asking for via email.)
  • 10-16-2010, 03:36 PM
    I got it

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    ignore Taliban
  • 10-16-2010, 03:10 PM
    Kris young

    OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice

    > Superpeers and normal clients (leaves) will be mixed, so there
    > is no need to cluster away clients.

    Yes, there is a need. That need is to reduce bandwidth utilisation and increase the search horizon for shielded leaf nodes.

    > Please don't flood or badmouth my technical knowledge

    O, you don't like criticism? That's just too bad. You obviously lack technical knowledge of Ultrapeers and I have proven that.
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