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  • 12-21-2010, 04:45 AM

    Can you PLEASE read my story?

    I'm thinking about publishing this; so please just PLEASE be honest Thank you.

    Once upon a time in Rainbow Pony Likes Doing Poos on Little Alphabet Children's Heads land there lived a donkey; part donkey, part man. I know right? Pretty sexy cupcake chronicles. He liked to party in the supermarket with pervs (specifically old men), yes, that was his specific favourite past-time apart from leaping on blue words to do with the Terms and Conditions of Runescape dork warriors doing high flips and cartwheels while eating strawberry chocolate cake. One day though he was walking along the street filled with candy and random gay times, accompanied by the ice cream as well, while an old grandma and a young girl in her mid sixties opened a couch service to do with riding humpback whales, blue ones to be awfully non-specific, not.

    "Hey, want a pineapple?" the grandma asks me with great anticipation.

    "More than candy mountain YouTube channels," says Sally, the 'younger' one actually.

    "Definitely more than my moving crayon pencils!!" I repeated in disbelief.

    Yet this was just another day in Teletubby repetitive chocolate wordings land. Definitely yet!!!! To come was a face.

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