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  • 02-25-2009, 06:40 PM
    Egypt, China, Japan, Mayan, Aztecan <-- all non white civilizations cultivated before they had contact with western europe

    Get your facts straight
  • 02-25-2009, 06:39 PM
    Palin Jane
    One way of looking at it which is too limited.

    Civilization is reading and art. It's philosophy and intelligent discourse.

    Ya might give it a try sometime.

    Or keep being a Republican justifying your means with your end.
  • 02-25-2009, 06:39 PM
    "Western civilization, a purely European phenomenon, only serves to protect the weak, the unstable, to coddle individuals that, under normal circumstances, would never reproduce."

    That must be why they are on top.

    But don't worry, you may just have your way as the really big bullies are waking up China and Russia.
  • 02-25-2009, 06:38 PM
    where is everybody?
    well, if civilization is such a difficult thing to understand, you could look it up right there on your computer that civilized people use too. your point is far off in a drug induced haze
  • 02-25-2009, 06:37 PM
    Ivy G
    Actually, since we evolved societies, the opposite is true.

    What is weakening us isn't that we act civilized, it is that we are not killing the ones that are not being civilized.

    During human evolution we would not have tolerated lawlessness from a member of the tribe. They would have been killed or expelled to wander alone among the animals.

    Some animals evolved to be alone, humans are not one of them. Neither are our closest relatives on this planet (chimps, great apes). We evolved to live together a long long long time ago. Way before we could be called Homo Sapien, much less Homo Sapien Sapien.

    So although your analogy works great for say, tasmanian devils and beta fish, it doesn't for animals with societies. This includes not only many mammals, but many insects. You think a bee hive would tolerate a worker bee that stung his coworkers? wrong.
  • 02-25-2009, 06:37 PM
    Your premise is that natural evolution is the sole driving force for life in the universe. We don't know that for sure.
  • 02-25-2009, 06:37 PM
    Barack Hussein Osama
    Actually, I do agree with you. But, I believe that not all humans are equal. Some were meant to be civilized, some simply do not have the capacity to grasp modern society. Example, black neighborhoods are completely trashed, disgusting, wrecked.
    Asian neighborhoods are very nice, neat, and business friendly; even if they were run down, within a few years they are nice places.
  • 02-25-2009, 06:35 PM
    listen, you are sitting here complaining about civilization while on the internet in your home with electricity. I would say you are civilized and enjoying it so stop complaining about it if you are not going to change your ways.
  • 02-25-2009, 06:34 PM
    Marc C the radical
    Absolutely correct, westerners think their so sophisticated and treat others like animals, the same people who can kill them in one hit, your definitely talking!
  • 02-25-2009, 06:32 PM
    Tullpi Qamayuk

    Why are whites so fond of 'civilization'?

    Can't they see the concept itself goes against the basics of biological evolution?

    Evolution is competition, cruel destruction of the weak by the strong, fast reproduction and overwhelming the enemy.

    Western civilization, a purely European phenomenon, only serves to protect the weak, the unstable, to coddle individuals that, under normal circumstances, would never reproduce.

    The more 'civilized' a race is, the weaker it becomes. Yet they take pride in such things as low crime rates, law abidance, democracy, etc. failing to see the more they protect their weak and useless the weaker and useless they become as a whole.

    From a biological point of view, a criminal who kills many members of competing races and leaves some offspring is much more successful than the 'civilized' researcher who never reproduces and one fine day gets whacked at the parking lot.
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