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What is the sum of 36 and 12


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  • 03-04-2011, 05:50 AM

    My son's dad needs an intervention. His actions directly affect how our son...

    ...treats me and I've had enough!? My 8 year old son's dad and I are not together but remain civil. I just now found out through a mutual friend that our son would often hear negative and condescending remarks about me after I would leave the room or my ex would talk bad about me when I wasn't around. My son is extremely disrespectful towards me and after almost a year of working with behavioral specialists, we have made so much progress but this is something that keeps getting worse. We are trying to set up mobile therapy, where a therapist comes to our house, to see if it helps but I honestly think the damage is done.

    I feel torn because my son worships the ground his father walks on and wants to see him all the time but I can't just sit there and let this go on. What should I do?
    Just to make it clearer....we are NOT together. We have never lived together or been married.

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