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  • 06-14-2011, 06:48 PM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    Afterall he is half ginger.
  • 06-14-2011, 04:56 PM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    I think Cartman remembers Kenny dying because he's not like the other people in the town. Remember, Cartman is pure, unadulterated evil, possibly not even having a soul at all.
  • 06-14-2011, 09:47 AM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    I'm pretty sure that the implication was that Kenny (you know, his soul) originally came from the dark dimension, and that he was somehow summoned to our world due to the cult's rituals (the ones intended to summon Cthulhu). In other words, that he is not actually human, but a "immortal" of the same kind as Cthulhu.
  • 06-13-2011, 01:45 PM
    T buck

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    I absolutely loved Kenny's facial expression after he realized that the mystic vision guy was talking to MintBerry Crunch! Amazingly expressive for such a simple face. And it looked so perfectly w-t-f...
  • 06-12-2011, 05:10 PM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    This was strange, cool and also felt a bit rushed but it was an interesting if not good conclusion. At least nothing I could have ever expected, which is a good thing.
    It even confirmed my thoughts that Kenny's inability to die was tied to what ever his parents did in their drunken stuppor at that cult meeting ten years ago.
    Pitty we didn't get to see Kenny fight with Cthulhu.:sad:
  • 06-11-2011, 10:37 PM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    I like Baby Kenny at the end.

    Now if Mint Berry Crunch can get his own spin-off series.

    Cartman as the Coon is now in jail with Butters?
  • 06-11-2011, 03:19 PM
    Eureka W

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    I actually really liked this episode. I agree that the trilogy doesn't feel tightly plotted and all the cool twists and turns came in last week's episode, but I feel like this episode was the funniest.

    I cracked up at everything Bradley did, and the end revelation that he was the chosen one was great.

    And again, Kenny gets some cool and funny moments. I like how it's just easier for him to take a nap by shooting himself and dying than it is to go all the way home and go to bed.

    I caught that too, that was cool they did that.

    Guess the only resolution we get is him giving up his powers and going back to being a reporter last week. Works for me.

    Kenny was a chosen one too in the Heaven vs. Hell episode.

    It's possible Timmy wasn't aware of the dying thing and just knows that Kenny has bad luck and often receives more harm than anyone else and that's why he wanted Jimmy to dress up as him.
  • 06-11-2011, 12:19 AM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    They didn't acknowledge Cripple Fight (Season 5, Episode 3) where Timmy gives Jimmy a Kenny-alike clothes in order for him to die. In that episode at least I thought it was hinted that the real cause of his deaths came from the coat or something
  • 06-10-2011, 06:18 AM
    norman h

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    So I guess the only way Kenny can truly die for good would be if his mom were to die (assuming she can die a permaneant death, unlike her son).
  • 06-09-2011, 09:21 PM

    South Park - "Coon vs. Coon and Friends" - Talkback [11/10]

    Did they really though? Kenny never told Cartman that he dies all the time. Perhaps he does know. And as far as I know Cartman was the one who has outright said that Kenny has died previously.
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