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What is the number after 87?


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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 09-05-2011, 02:00 PM
    Miles Dewar
    The whole idea that a bacteria or virus could live on the moon is hilarious! Even viruses need water.
  • 09-05-2011, 01:00 PM
    Me Meme

    Quite a few questions about the new Apollo 18 mission controversy trend?

    I'll just dive into this:

    1. in the movie, it said that the film had been uploaded to "www.lunartruth.com" but did not say by who. Did this legitimately happen and does anyone know who uploaded it? Is the idea that it was leaked?

    2. Ok, the movie seemed really realistic, but there was a cast and crew! I mean.... really?

    3. Would hollywood be allowed to make a movie like that without permission of the family members of these people? If these people were actors, why would the families allow this? I mean, (spoiler alert) for those of you who have seen this, you know that in the end Nate goes crazy as an effect of his infection. Why would his family allow him to be portrayed as an insane zombie-like host of parasitic spider things trying to open the shuttle through the window with a hammer?

    At the end of the movie, I wanted to cry. I really don't want answers like "apollo 17 was the last mission," because i have been doing research and i am aware. i just want some explanation of the movie itself and how it could be allowed to be created. also, IF ANYONE CAN FIND PICTURES OF THE ACTUAL MEN PORTRAYED IN THE MOVIE, BEFORE ANYTHING HAPPENED TO THEM, that would be fantastic.

    I never said i believed it. im asking how the movie was allowed to be created, for any backstories on the lunar truth website, and if anyone knows of any pictures of the real people.

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