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  • 09-05-2011, 08:43 PM
    I keep my remote handy and just mute them. I mute all commercials when I bother to watch TV. The commercials have pretty much stopped my TV viewing. But congress has also passed a bill to limit the volume of the commercials over the volume of the programming and Obama has signed it. Unfortunately, the TV stations have until Dec. 15, 2011 to comply. You'll have to put up with it for the rest of the year. A link about this is below if you're interested.
  • 09-05-2011, 01:00 AM

    How can we stop the loud TV commercials. I ordered the Terk VR1 Audiovox...

    ...Electronic device and it didn't work? What electronic device can we hook to our receiver just using the left and right rca jacks???
    We have a DVR cable box and using the left and right RCA output jacks to a vintage receiver with two nice big speakers. What kind of electronic "Device" can we install between the cable box output to the receiver input to stop those blasting loud TV commercials??? Next Question Is: We have to use the RCA audio left & right output jacks from that DVR Cable box because even though we use an HDMI cable going from this DVR box going to the TV, we are not able to use the two RCA left & right output jacks from the back of the T.V. - Why ? Because the sound from those RCA jacks are one volume ""BLASTING LOUD ONLY"". Does anyone know how to use these two RCA output jacks on the rear of the TV. without having the volume stuck at only one volume "LOUD" ???

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