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  • 09-24-2011, 12:00 PM

    My boyfriend has intimacy issues?

    I've been with my boyfriend for 7 months. He's always been different. He pursued me first, asked me out, we dated for a bit over a month before he asked me to be his girlfriend. He didn't hug me or anything the first date, then didn't hold my hand until the night he asked me to be his girlfriend. He hadn't even told me how he felt beforehand. We're in college living at home with jobs. I suddenly realized he had family problems. His dad was trying to control him by giving him curfews and phone restrictions. Somehow we survived on seeing each other once a week. I had to ask him if he loved me and he hesitated and said he did he's just uncomfortable saying it. He also felt uncomfortable talking about his problems. He's opened up a lot though telling me he hasn't had many girlfriends so he feels like I'm more experienced. He also said the first girl he loved he saw a lot and she cheated and slept with his friend. Pretty much every girl has left him for another guy. His dad is so unemotional too I feel like he learned to hide his feelings and he shys away from emotional conversations... he has been to therapy he told me. I love him but he's not letting me get close. He doesn't invite me over or talk as much... he just got kicked out of his dad's for no reason so he's stressed out but he doesn't want anyone around... he tells me what happened now though when he used to deny it. Idk how to help... he says he is into our relationship but I still don't get his behavior.

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