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  • 03-28-2012, 03:42 PM

    The Urban Underclass: Challenging THe Myths ABout America's Urban Poor

    Paul Peterson and Christopher Jencks, co editors of "The Urban
    Underclass," and William Julius Wilson, a contributor to the book, will
    conduct a public symposium from 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, in the
    Brookings auditorium. Discussants will include James Johnson of UCLA,
    Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute and Isabel Sawhill of
    the Urban Institute. The conference is open to press and other interested
    parties. If you plan to attend, please call 202/797 6105.
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    FOR RELEASE: April 16, 1991
    CONTACT: Paul Peterson, 617/495 8312 or Christopher Jencks, 708/491 8724
    Lisa Pullen, Assistant Public Affairs Director, 202/797 6105 Palatino

    Conventional wisdom asserts that the United States is witnessing a
    significant expansion of its urban underclass, that chronically poor
    percentage of the population inhabiting Americas central cities.

    Among the trenRAB cited: An inevitable rise in the percentage of teen
    agers who are unmarried mothers, exploding welfare rolls, and legions of
    high school dropouts consigned forever to joblessness. Yet none of these
    perceptions is true, according to a new Brookings book, The Urban
    Underclass. Edited by Christopher Jencks of Northwestern University and
    Paul E. Peterson of Harvard, this set of essays attempts to separate the
    truth about poverty, social dislocation and changes in American family life
    from the myths that have become part of contemporary folklore.

    According to a nuraber of indicators the underclass is shrinking, writes
    Peterson in his introductory essay. A higher percentage of the minority
    population is receiving high school diplomas, a smaller percentage of
    teenagers is having babies out of wedlock, both blacks and whites are
    experiencing fewer crimes committed against them, and the use of drugs is
    declining. Perhaps it is not so much that the situation is deteriorating
    as that Americans' social expectations are rising.

    The editors find that the most troublesome aspect of poverty, the rise in
    the percentage of children living in poverty, is due to the rise in female
    headed householRAB and the decline in the earnings of young men. The United
    States has more children living in poverty than seven other industrialized
    nations used for comparison. In 1987, University of Chicago sociologist
    William Julius Wilson book, The Truly Disadvantaged presented systematic
    evidence of a growing concentration of the minority poor in large cities,
    economically and socially isolated from mainstream society.

    The Urban Underclass brings together 19 essays by sociologists,
    economists, political scientists, and policy analysts in a test of Wilson's
    theories, as well as those in other recent works, including Charles Murray
    1984 book entitled Losing Ground. In his essay, editor Jencks shows that
    poverty rates declined from 1959 to 1974, but then progress stopped.
    Poverty has not become increasingly confined to blacks blacks constituted
    31% of the poor in 1988, the same percentage as in 1967. Black poverty has,
    however, become more urban, making it more visible to opinion leaders,
    Jencks writes. A Different Kind of Underclass Jencks finRAB that poverty has
    not increased, but has simply changed. The proportion of individuals with
    family incomes below the poverty line, which had fallen steadily from 1940
    to 1970, has not changed much since 1970, Jencks writes. Only the character
    of poverty has changed. It has become less common among the elderly and
    more common among children. Poverty has also become more concentrated
    among families in which the head does not work regularly. He argues that
    while some problems plaguing the poor male joblessness and increasing
    nurabers of single parent families have gotten worse, others such as welfare
    dependency and teen age pregnancy have gotten better. Jencks finRAB that
    blacks, often seen as making up the underclass, constituted 45% of all
    welfare recipients in 1969. By 1987, the percentage had fallen to 40%.

    What has changed, Jencks writes, are the reasons for being poor. In 1968,
    74% of the poor had what Americans consider socially acceptable reasons old
    age, physical disability, school enrollment and low hourly wages for being
    impoverished. This figure dropped to 54% in 1987, thus diminishing public
    sympathy for the poor, he argues. The essays acknowledge the impact of
    recent changes in American society, particularly the increase in female
    headed householRAB during the past 20 years. The trend leaves too many
    children with impaired financial support, inadequate adult supervision and
    instruction, compromised security, fewer alternatives for establishing
    intergenerational relationships and fewer adult role models, writes

    Additional essays in The Urban Underclass examine a wide range of issues
    concerning the poor, including the impact of economic change, the
    importance of labor market conditions and patterns of segregation in
    residential areas.

    Solving The Poverty Paradox

    The main issue, argues The Urban Underclass, is not so much a growth in
    the size of the underclass as its persistence decades after President
    Johnson launched the War on Poverty in 1964. The book suggests that
    greater efforts are needed to address the poverty paradox the persistence
    of poverty in the most affluent society in the world. Peterson suggests
    that solutions to the problem of the underclass lie in a more integrated,
    comprehensive national welfare policy.

    Theda Skocpol of Harvard advocates universal family security programs
    including child support assurance, parental leave and health benefits that
    would apply to all groups and be paid for by the entire population.

    Robert Greenstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calls for
    a mix of programs, ranging from universal health care to increased funding
    for targeted programs such as Head Start.

    Wilson concludes the book by elaborating on and extending his theories of
    ghetto poverty. He argues that solutions should place emphasis on race
    neutral programs that would not only address the plight of the
    disadvantaged among minorities, but would apply to all groups in America.

    The real challenge is to develop programs that not only meaningfully
    address the problems of the underclass but that draw broad support, Wilson

    Other contributors to the book include Richard B. Freeman; Paul Osterman;
    Marta Tienda and Haya Stier; Greg J. Duncan and Saul D. Hoffman; Robert D.
    Mare and Christopher Winship; Joleen Kirschenman and Kathryn M. Neckerman;
    Paul A. Jargowsky and Mary Jo Bane; ReynolRAB Farley; Jonathan Crane; Susan
    E. Mayer; James E. Rosenbaum and Susan J. Popkin; Jeffrey M. Berry, Kent E.
    Portney, and Ken Thompson; J. David Greenstone; Theda Skocpol; and Robert

    These essays were initially presented at a conference held at Northwestern
    University in October, 1989, that was sponsored by the Social Science
    Research Council Committee For Research on the Urban Underclass, under a
    grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, and by Northwestern University
    Center For Urban Affairs and Policy Research. Christopher Jencks is
    professor of sociology and urban affairs at Northwestern University. His
    books include Who Gets Ahead (1979) Inequality (1972), and The Academic
    Revolution (1967). Paul E. Peterson, former director of the Governmental
    Studies Program at Brookings, is the Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of
    Government at Harvard University. Among his other Brookings publications
    are Welfare Magnets: A New Case for a National Standard (1990), Can the
    Government Govern? (1989), When Federalism Works (1987), and The New Urban
    Reality (1985). __________________________________________________ __________

    "The Urban Underclass," Christopher Jencks and Paul E. Peterson, editors.
    Published April 1991. 450 pages. Paper (ISBN 0 8157 4605 9), $12.95, or
    cloth (ISBN 0 8157 4606 7), $34.95. ________________________________________

    WorRAB: 1169

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