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  • 06-21-2012, 11:32 AM

    Favorable poll puts outsourcing expert Romney on the ropes - msnbc.com

    >>> the white house got a surprise boost today in the form of a new poll by bloomberg news. it finds the president with a whopping 13-point lead over presumptive nominee mitt romney . that's bigger than the lead he's running in most other surveys. that's why so many pundits are arguing it may be too good to be true. the poll points to core strengths in the president's core campaign that could make all the difference in a close race not least among them, likely voters have to say if they have to get stuck on a long flight stoorks they would rather be sitting next to the president than mitt romney . steve kornacki, steve , you've written a piece today saying the margin can't possibly be as high as this. it's encouraging for the president, isn't it.
    >> it is from this standpoint. i think the best thing to do is look at one of these places that aggregates all of the data and comes up with an average. he's about two points ahead of romney . if the poll happens to be the start of a trend, that average will tick up over the next week and there is something there. even even if you look at the two-point lead for obama in an average approval rating of about 48%, if you look that the historically, he's probably in better shape and he should be given that he's an incumbent president 3 1/2 years into a presidency that has been defined by just economic almost disaster. so the you know, in that sense, it is encouraging for the white house .
    >> karen , i noticed in this poll that a majority of voters say mitt romney is out of touch. i may have some clue as to why. take a listen to this, karen .
    >> of course he's out of touch. he's out of touch in part because he never had the experience of working in the private sector and seeing what it takes to start a small business , how a business decides to grow. when they decide to shrink, when he they decide to send jobs overseas. he doesn't understand that.
    >> now, hold on. the president is out of touch because he doesn't note when to send jobs overseas. really? you mean the way mitt romney sent core centers to india when he was governor?
    >> that's right. here's our president trying to fight to keep jobs here in america. whoo, he's out of it, right?
    >> he's completely out of touch.
    >> here's the thing i think is equally as important on this. we've said from the last round of polling that we saw there was room for still to learn about romney . this poll suggests people are starting to learn. what they're learn they go don't like. one of the key arguments that i think is reinforced in this poll and you'll continue to see it throughout the campaign is okay, we've heard this from romney before when he ran for governor. i was a businessman. i know how to create jobs. but what happened when he was governor? the state went to the 47th in job creation . he raised all sorts of taxes and fees on the people of the state, and you know, basically had increased their statistics by self-deportation from the state. so the when you look, the more people learn about the real record and the application of those business values to the actual job of being a chief executive, they don't like what they're seeing.
    >> to karen 's point, steve ann romney was asked if she unlike the first lady, was planning on taking lavish overseas vacations? it's become something of a right wing talking point. the first lady like her husband out of touch for overseas travel and so on. but it's not as if the romneys don't like going overseas, is it? take a listen to this.
    >> the best memories were with my wife on vacations from time to time in france, the last vacation we had there walking around the city of paris and walking not just in the champs delee say but also over to the garden of lum ex-bourg. have you to give credit to the man for his french accent . who's really into the foreign holidays here? is it mr. romney or mademoiselle obama.
    >> what this kind of illustrates the same thing that's dragging down or has the potential to drag down romney can catch his wife up to when she does these interviews. when he goes to a right wing outlet and does an interview.
    >> does he go anywhere else?
    >> cbs last week is probably the last time.
    >> when he goes to fox news, one of the things that happens is he is confronted with the rights character ca tour of barack obama and forced to sit there and affirm it. he does not want to a lennate that base. there's a character ca tour of michelle obama that exists on the right. music huckabee has been reluctant to get into that. ann romney is sometimes in the same bind that her husband's in. she doesn't want to say anything that's going to alienate that audience.
    >> remember michelle romney -- michelle obama was talking earlier this week about a trip she and her husband took to kenya and how they had no money and it was great because they were roughing it out there together. that's a lot different than going to london to watch dressage.
    >> indeed or even the olympics. thanks to steve kornacki and

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