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  • 06-28-2012, 05:32 AM

    SCOTUS to rule on health care - msnbc.com

    >>> just after 10:00 a.m . eastern time tomorrow, we will know if the u.s. supreme court is going to let stand the obama health care law or not. whatever they say will affect all americans. parts of that law are already in effect. children can be covered on their parents policies until the age of 26 and they can't be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. also in effect already, prepreventive screens like mammograms, colonoscopies. the big provision is the mandate requiring every american to have insurance. by 2014 , no adult can be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions and there can be no annual dollar limit on the amount of coverage a person can receive. so having said all that, a lot at stake. our justice correspondent pete williams is at the court tonight. pete, you know as much about the court as anyone i know, so here is the question. they can uphold, they can strike it down, and don't they have a number of options in between?
    >> exactly right. if they say the individual mandate, the requirement to have health insurance is unconstitutional, then the question is how much of the rest of this 1,000 page long law will stand. the obama administration says if the mandate goes away, that's a big revenue stream for insurance companies , then likely the things that will cost the insurance companies more will have to go, too, such as pre-existing condition coverage for adults and things the insurance companies can't vary rates based on a person's age or sex or medical condition .
    >> pete williams we'll be speaking with you tomorrow night as we review what the court has to say. pete williams .

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