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  • 06-29-2012, 10:32 AM

    George Zimmerman back in court, seeking bail for a second time - msnbc.com

    By NBC's Jamie Novogrod and msnbc.com's Kari Huus
    LIVE VIDEO — George Zimmerman, charged with murdering Trayvon Martin, attends bail hearing in Sanford, Fla.

    Updated: 10 am ET
    George Zimmerman, charged with second-degree murder in the February shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, has appeared before a judge in Sanford, Fla., to seek release on bail after his previous bail was revoked.
    Relatives of the victim, Martin's older brother Jahvaris Martin, also attended the hearing, along with Trayvon's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton. The family was escorted -- and is seated with -- family attorney Benjamin Crump.
    Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara called his first witness, a "forensic accounting" expert to testify on Zimmerman's financial picture.
    Adam McGill said he was asked by O'Mara to look at records of money transfers from Zimmerman's PayPal account to the official legal defense fund later established by O'Mara.

    Zimmerman, who was released on bail of $150,000 in April, was then rearrested on June 3 after prosecutors charged that Zimmerman and his wife Shellie had misled the court about their finances at that bail hearing.
    Shellie Zimmerman asserted that she did not know how much money was in a PayPal account set up for contributions to Zimmerman’s legal defense.
    In recorded telephone conversations from jail prior to that date, Zimmerman and his wife appear to discuss — in thinly disguised code — the amount of money in the account, and he instructs her to make a series of transfers to other accounts, the prosecution charges. (Read original report.)
    Special Prosecutor Angela Corey used the recordings to persuade the judge to revoke the original bond for George Zimmerman. Shellie Zimmerman was arrested on June 12, charged with perjury and released on $1,000 bond.
    Zimmerman appeared at the hearing wearing a grey suit, after Judge Kenneth Lester after O'Mara had successfully argued that showing up in prison garb and shackles could damage his client's chances of getting a fair trial.
    O’Mara told NBC on Thursday that if Zimmerman is released on bond, he would go back into hiding for his own safety. The shooting death of Martin, an unarmed black teenager, in February has stirred an emotional national debate about race, gun rights and the "stand-your-ground" laws like the one in Florida that use a broad definition of self-defense.
    O'Mara told NBC News yesterday that Zimmerman can't afford a much higher bail than he had last time -- of $150,000.
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