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  • 06-18-2009, 09:38 PM
    We did not get a dna test (we volunteered) but she knew things that only I knew and then both of us wrote a letter to the adoption agency and they matched us up.
  • 06-18-2009, 09:38 PM
    We did not get a dna test (we volunteered) but she knew things that only I knew and then both of us wrote a letter to the adoption agency and they matched us up.
  • 06-18-2009, 09:27 PM
    Didn't have to. He looks exactly like me. His medical issues are also an indicator that he is definitely related. However, if he wanted to do a dna test, I have no issue with that.
  • 06-18-2009, 09:26 PM
    no need for DNA test here!

    I grew up with the occassional letter/picture so i had a pretty good idea of what my n-mom would look like. I also knew her first name...and eventually her last name slipped through the agency, so I knew her first and last name. Then she gave me my n-dad's name...and when we met WOW we looked a lot alike. He also had pictures of me when I was a little kid (sent through the agency).

    Really there's no denying it. It's not like being with my a-family, where we try to "pass" as family because we have blonde hair. With my n-family it's unmistakeable...one of my bridesmaids that I have known since jr. high said "that's jen's dad!" when my n-dad walked into the wedding reception...she had never met him, but could just tell because we look so much alike.
  • 06-18-2009, 09:26 PM
    No I didn't although my husband did suggest it before we actually met my son even though he had sent pics through to me by email.

    My son and I look so much alike that anybody who doesn't know he was adopted would never guess it. We 'move' in the same way such as we both rub our noses in the same way, when we talk we move our hands in the same way, the way we smile is the same. Our hair is the identical colour and the same texture - dark blond and fine - and our eye colour is the same - bluish grey with a slightly darker rim and slightly speckled. Even people who know say at times it's easy to forget that I didn't raise him because of the way we behave together.

    I knew what his first name had been changed to and that his middle name had been kept has that's what his adoptive father's name is. My son told me why his middle name was kept as he didn't know I already knew and that I also knew his amum's first name. They knew a bit about me so when we were first in reunion he asked me leading questions so he knew he had reunited with the right person. This was reinforced when I sent a pic as he'd already found my family and had seen pics of me already.
  • 06-18-2009, 09:25 PM
    No, unnecessary due to the ability to confirm exact details of birth: time/place/dr/hospital.

    Also, too many similarities both physically and in personality traits (with me and other family members).
  • 06-18-2009, 09:25 PM
    Lori A
    Good Question, but no I didn't. My daughter is just starting to look like me. (gravity is seeing to that) When we met it was disappointing for her to not have that familial. But it didn't take long to figure out that we were in fact related. The hands were a dead give away, and lol I have the ugliest feet you have ever seen, sorry Rachael, she has my ugly man feet. Our mannerisms, cadence, humor, tone, is all too alike for us not to be related. When she found her father she still didn't find her face, until he broke out the pic's of his sisters. There she was.
  • 06-18-2009, 09:25 PM
    red elephants

    Did you have a DNA test to confirm your bio relationship?

    If you are in a reunion did you have a DNA test to confirm that you were actually related? If not are you certain? To me resemblance or things you have in common would not be enough since that can happen with non related people as well. I think I would want a DNA test.

    What got me thinking was a friend of mine in elementary school. We were born at the same hospital on the same day hours apart and in rooms next to each other. Our families didn't know each other. Our names were similar. If I had been adopted and had minimal information to go by in searching it could have easily been mixed up. We also looked similar.

    Has anyone ever thought they had found their bio family only to find out it wasn't them?

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