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What is the number after 87?


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  • 09-02-2009, 05:06 PM
    well regardless, all medication leaves the system after a certain amount of TIME. regardless if it is allowed or not, TIME is your ally. You need to take TIME off from the drug until it is out of your system then ask the question. i know in the US military they test for everything they can think of. these test can happen any TIME
  • 09-02-2009, 05:06 PM
    A T
    They do not test on entrants at the medical, but it is not allowed as a drug without it being on prescription and they can test for it, under certain circumstances ( though not often, ), stop it three months ahead of any medical if you are concerned, and as a matter of good advice, stop it altogether.

    Long term use leads to "bitch tits" small swellings that are growths of breast tissues in the male of the species, chronic acne, diminished penis size , and smaller than normal testicles, as well.

    All this would almost certainly be noticed by your colleagues at some stage, and a fitness instructor will spot this, when you walk in the doors of his gymnasium, the answer is a proper regime of body workouts and nutrition, and rest periods, not drugs. Give these up.. or face the consequences, which your supplier really is not interested in, just in selling this crap on to anyone who believes they are a magic solution, they are not, and the effect on muscle mass disappears almost as soon as you stop, as well.....
  • 09-02-2009, 04:47 PM
    Rob G

    Do the Royal Navy test for Anabolic Steroids? If i have used in the past will it...

    ...effect me getting in? I have recently been using Sustanon, have been using on and off for a couple of years.

    I have been told from a good source that they dont test for anabolics??

    Will I be aloud to have it in my system prior to my recruitment medical? R

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