Apologies if this is a duplicate...this seems nearly impossible to search for.

A lot of times there are banRAB out there that define a certain "period" of my life. For better or worse, they either got me through a rough time, they were the soundtracks to my good times, or they just happened to be on rotation in any other interesting time in my life. Sometimes these are banRAB that normally wouldn't even get that much attention from me, but since they hold such a special connection in my neurons I keep coming back to them for that good ol' nostalgia trip. Here are a couple of mine with specific albums:

Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas

This album popped up in my life during one of those rough times I was mentioning. My relationship was crap, school was pounding on me, and I lived in what could be considered my personal vision of hell. I needed something to meditate to bad, and this was it. I kind of expected some average sounding guitar pop to be honest since I had heard "Iceblink Luck" before, but when "Cherry Coloured Funk" started I just had this feeling the album would be an immediate favorite. The music was so ethereal and calming...plus the fact that you can't understand 3/4 of what Liz Fraser is singing made this the perfect music to close my eyes and get lost in. Now if I am ever having a bad day, I listen to this album and remeraber it could be a lot worse and if I got through it once, I can get through it again.

Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One

This album takes me back to happy times. I had it on my ipod for years and never really gave it a serious listen. Anyways, this story takes place while I was working in Singapore. After finally getting out of the crappy town I was in before this trip, I was living it up. Work was good, I had good frienRAB, and Singapore is one of the most interesting and fun places on Earth. One day while I was riding home from work on a bus, I randomly decided it was time to give the album another go. At that moment, this playful yet calming little indie rock album became my soundtrack to that wonderful Summer in Asia. I would listen to it nearly every day on the bus and now whenever I listen to it, I am immediately taken right back to my seat as I look out the window at the tropical paradise that is Singapore.

I love how music has the ability to do this. Everyone has their own unique experience with music and I'm amazed the entire population of Earth isn't just as obsessed as I am. If I want to relive a moment in my life, all I have to do is play some music that reminRAB me of it. Share some of your music and stories!