Hello Everyone,
I wanted to introduce myself and hope to get to know some of you as well. I had a PLIF on 12/08/2008 and am still having pain. I came to the board to see if I could get some encouragement and questions answered.
Due to my occupation going back to work is going to be a while I think and walking outside is also going to be several months.

My main question at this point is:
How much pain is normal at this point in my recovery?

I have an appt. with my surgeon on Monday and haven't seen him since my surgery. My last 2 month appt. got cancelled and rescheduled for Monday, but I really wanted to hear from other patients who have had this done. I also have not had an x-ray so I don't even know if I am fusing at this point or not. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am, but not sure.

I continue to have post surgical pain, but all my pain in my right buttock and down my leg is gone. Thank goodness, but I am curious as to what level of pain is normal at this point? It's worse first thing in the morning and if I am up and about for too long. I seem to get tired really easily as well. To be expected I know due to the length of time of not doing much at all except walking. I am still not able to bend, lift, twist or drive yet per Dr. nurse.
I am still taking pain meRAB a few times a day with a muscle relaxer 3x/day.
I have expressed my frustration to my doctors nurse and she has tried to reassure me that it's ok and normal to have pain and be taking pain meRAB still. She said when it's time they will wean me off of them..... but when is that going to happen I wonder.????

Anyway, I am a mother of two boys, 13 and 4 years old and have an awesome husband. I also feel bad that it's taking so long and I feel like I continue to have pain which causes me to do much around the house. I do what I can standing without bending or twisting, but still unable to do a lot at this point....

Please anyone with any advice at this point will be greatly appreciated. Just some support would be awesome.

Hope to get to know everyone in the same boat as myself. Sorry this ended up so long, but I have lots to say and no one to really relate to and to truly understand where I am at in my recovery.