Geese what was i thinking. Your right cricket sucks. I mean they are the 7TH largest carrier. You know with 5.5 million customers they are balling. I mean they can totally afford to buy galaxy s phones for 400 dollars a pop to sell to you for 500. Oh and there demographic totally supports that. I work for the front lines at cricket. You are right shame on them they should have done it different i agree. However the people i sell too everyday are unlike you. They don't know what a forum is. They have no idea what Droid 1.6 or 2.2 is. Cricket knew they had to get into the smart phone game but no one would sell them a phone that was cheap enough to fit our clientele and still be in reasonable reach pricewise. They had to wait till the prices dropped enough they could get the phones for under 300. Otherwise no one would buy them. Larger carriers give you a two year agreement and drop the prices of the phones because they make that discount back in service over two years. Cricket can't do that, they would no longer exist. The dirty little secret in the phone industry is that phones are not made to last 2 years. The average life of a cell phone is about 14 months. The general population of cricket stops buying phones between 200 and 250 dollars. Look at the full retail price of the Verizon, sprint, or att phones. Our customers couldn't afford them nor would they really know what to do with them. Cricket in general targets the low income audience with low income the profit margin isn't much. On average a zio costs the company 150 bucks from kyocera. When they first got them they were 249, now they are 129. At 129 those customers who are scared to try new technology are not as afraid. So they hop on board. When they do they usually just came from using a regular phone and a zio is a huge improvement. They don't know the difference. I am not saying its right but if all you ever used was a Nokia 6225 and then went to a zio you would love it. That is what the general population of cricket is looking at. The few of us who know the difference usually have flashed phones or have a new rom on our phone. You may think cricket sucks but tell me why are you not using a different carrier, its not like your in an agreement.

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