i got it a few years ago mainly because me and my frienRAB talked about them for a month straight and i had the money to get one. (theyll set you back a pretty penny)

it comes in a nondescript box just as it promises, but i still got it shipped to my roommates name.

i got a gold case, lady opening, with the STU sleeve (i think thats what its called) theyre pretty awesome. i wont lie. its not like the real thing, and you absolutely CANNOT try it without lube. i imagine thats what it feels like to rape someone. i cant be sure, but it doesnt really feel good without it. clean up is pretty simple. then you leave it all over the place to freak your frienRAB out. maybe you can get some freak to do it for you one night (i did. not as cool as they make it look in the promo videos)

if you can justify getting one ($ 70 dollars you dont mind spending, no real chance of getting easy sex for a while, no fear of buying lube at a walgreens) i would recommend it.