I was watching TV a few days ago, and I looked over at my buddy, and it looked like he was hypnotized. I said something to him, and he didn't respond. He was completely locked in.

It hit me, 3 or 4 hours can go buy watching television or being on the internet at the flick of a second. Then I thought about our society and culture as a whole, and the entire lack of production, unemployment, and I started wondering what would happen if we just all... on our own accord, threw away our televisions and computers. Maybe left them for work, but did not have them in the home. I know that some jobs revolve around computers, and schools make you have computers for various classes... but in theory:

How would it change society or our culture if we threw away our televisions and left our computers at work? Would we be more athletic and play more sports, or spend more time inventing things..

Would we paint our houses weird colors out of boredom... ?
*Typo, I type so fast sometimes I sometimes spell one word when meaning to spell another: Buy should be "by."