Well i went to the doctors a couple of days ago for a pregnancy test. He asked me to pee in the pot and he gave me the test to test myse;f in the bathroom. I asked if it was okay if he could do it, as i weren't sure how the doctors one worked which he did. He then told me it was negative. I asked him if he could send it off for more tests and he said he would.

I then rang up to find out my results today and the lady at the office says that all he sent the test for was an infection. I didn't ask for a test about an infection i asked for a pregnancy test!

I am so upset right now. I am thinking of going to a new doctors, because a monkey has more intelligence than all them doctors put together.

The lady at the office says that he just ticked Infection and didn't write anything about the pregnancy test .

I posted this Q in this section as some of you ladies are nurses etc and i am always in this section and you are all lovely people

Baby dust to all TTC. Thanks for reading x x x x