for AT&T, problem-free? We got my mom a shiny new burgundy Samsung Blackjack II for Christmas that is unlocked and Fido-branded (Fido, the canadian carrier). I want to know if I can update her new phone to the Windows Mobile 6.1 rom that is customized for AT&T by Samsung without running into problems such as rom incompatibility due to the different Blackjack II model (i616 vs. i617, etc.) and/or bricking her new phone or anything else that would F' up the phone in the long run. And if this is possible, would her phone become carrier locked to AT&T or remain AT&T branded, but still unlocked? Not that it matters too much since it doesn't really need it to be unlocked as we already have AT&T's service anyway...

Ultimately, is it possible to upgrade to the AT&T WinMo 6.1 rom on a Fido-branded Blackjack II without a hitch?