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Thread: Did

  1. #1
    Gloria H
    Gloria H's Avatar


    I watch a different demo debate??? Meet the press with Tim Russert (MSNBC) is on right now and ofcourse they're bashing Hillary. They're talking about Hillary becoming emotional. Poor lady can do no right. If she's serious, they say she's cold. If she shows emotion, then she's too emotional. Will the media give her a break after she's in the white house?

    VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    subwlimnuflik's Avatar
    I already did. Voted early in the Texas Primary.

  3. #3
    Greg's Avatar
    This message paid for by the Clinton 4 president committee.

  4. #4
    BekindtoAnimals22's Avatar
    It's sexism. People just fail to recognize it as just that. If she does nothing but talk, she's also been referred to as a robot. I resent the media choosing the next president for us.

    I read an article today and saw on television this morning that Obama was fed most of these bills over longer term senators causing much resentment towards him. That doesn't show he wrote the bills. He was chosen to co-sponsor for his speaking ability.

  5. #5
    Nancy A
    Nancy A's Avatar
    I think her composure is a reflection of her Record and actual work ethic. Just as Obama's is for him.
    Let's compare the record:

    From the Library of Congress:

    Hillary Clinton in her one full term(6 yrs.) and another year campaigning, has authored and passed only 20 pieces of legislation in her term of six years into law. They range from naming a courthouse after Thurgood Marshall to naming a Post Office after Jonn A. O'Shea.

    Obama in his first 8 Months sponsored over 820 Bills. Introduced 233 Bills on Healthcare Reform, 125 Bills on Poverty and Public Assistance, 112 Bills on Crime Fighting, 97 Economic Bills, 60 Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bills, 21 Ethics Reform Bills, 6 Veterans Affairs Bills and many others. In his First Year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 Bills and co-spomsored another 427. These Include: 1) the Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 that became Law, 2) the Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-prliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act that became Law, 3) the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act that passed the Senate, 4) the 2007 Government Ethics Bill that became Law, just to name a few. In all, since he entered the Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 Bills and co-sponsored another 1096.

    Why is this not being discussed heavily on the blogs? Obama supporters should be copying and pasting this all over the net and inundating all the Hillary Blogs with this. When people take a hard look... she is not a hard worker. She represents more grid lock and laziness.
    This man WILL get things done. His record PROVES IT.

  6. #6
    hawk_barry's Avatar
    No !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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