
Im 23 and was told in 2008 after a laparoscopy I had endometriosis and a blocked fallopian tube and the chances of me falling pregnant were close to zero. A year later, working full time and also concentrating on launching my own online business I found out I was pregnant. Shocking news to both me and my partner, however we were happy as we had always believed I would need IVF in order for me to concieve.

I am the only person I know to have had a bad pregnancy, everyone I know sailed through pregnancy and think I am abnormal.

If youve had a bad pregnancy I would like to hear your story...

During pregnancy I've had :

Weeks 6-14 hyperemisis graviadum - sickness so severe - I couldn't eat drink or swallow without throwing. I became so weak I couldn't get out of bed and I lost a lot of weight.
Week 12, I started hallucinating was admitted to hospital and had to be re hydrated, as my body went into starvation.
24 weeks - made redundant from full time work, I worked for the company for 5 years, cannot claim SMP as I was not 25 weeks when made redundant.
25 weeks - Anaemia 8.7hb - told i need a blood transfusion in labour
25 weeks - Vitamin b12 deficiency - injections for the rest of my life
29 weeks - I was told my waters had broken given steroid injections and tablets, ordered to bed rest.
30 weeks - I stopped working on new business as my general health started to deteriorate, the tablets were making me ill and the anaemia was causing my sleep patterns to be disrupted.
31 weeks - I was told the hospital made a mistake and my waters were fine.
32 weeks - After going to the doctors with sharp pains in my bladder I was told I had a water infection
33 weeks - I returned to the doctors with bladder pain, and was told the baby kicked my bladder.
35 weeks - The bladder pain was so severe I was no longer able to walk, I went to maternity day unit opposed to my midwife and was sent to a physio, I have PSD (and I sympathise with anyone who has the condition) and was told to wear a belt and walk with crutches.
36 weeks –sickness was back, but nowhere near as bad as it was at the beginning. This week my feet started itching so had tests for OC - everything came back fine - thank goodness.
37 weeks - had severe back pain, went into hospital with contractions, was told I had a kidney infection.
37 weeks - my partner treat me to a facial, in the hope that the pampering would relieve some of my stress. I had an allergic reaction to the creams used and my skin became dry scaly and spotty and my face swelled so bad, I looked like the elephant woman.

I’m now 38 weeks my face has started clearing up and I've started feeling normal in myself, although my body clock is completely out of sync. I am still unable to walk without the aid of belt and crutches, but the feeling of normality is great.

I’ve got two weeks to go cant wait for her to arrive...