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  1. #1
    lidokairu's Avatar

    How do i Breed a Betta fish..?

    My Betta Fish is red and is a male.but i don't know how to make them breed..What Should i start with?And what is a distinguish of a female Betta fish from their appearance.

  2. #2
    Electra's Avatar
    Just because you put a female in it does not always mean they will breed, my female actually bullied the male he died in the end.
    Give your male a choice of 2 females you may have arguments but he will probably choose the best female.
    The females are duller and smaller, remember once he has chosen a mate remove the other female.
    The breeding will happen when water conditions are perfect slow moving water you should see him start to collect bits of plants and practising a bubble nest. Good Luck.
    Remember once the female has deposited her eggs take her out, the male will look after them until the fry are born then take him away or he will feast on the fry.
    I also went through the same with dwarf gourami he is in process of choosing a mate.

  3. #3
    Solo's Avatar
    to breed betta first u have to get a mail that is the one with long flowing fins and a femail that is the one with short fins and u may see a white dot between her pelvic fins before u start to breed them u must first condition them. put the mail in a tank and the feemail in a glass chimny in the mails tank and feed them on live foods such as bloodworms or mosquito larva within half of the week put a half of a stryofoom cup in the mails side and tape it to one side of the tankby weeks end let out the feemail leeve them for and check them at regluar intervals like once every 5 mins if u observ that they r wrapping around each other and the feemail is relising eggs then watch them untill it looks like they'r finished take the feemail out u will know when they are finished when the mail is not embrasing the feemail
    take her out and put her in medicated water
    and leev the mail note the stirofoom cup is for the mail to blow his make his nest under oute of bubbls also the fry should hatch in two days in water at 80 degrees look it up on the internet how to breed betta

  4. #4
    catxcatxx's Avatar
    You will need to a lot of research before you even consider breeding. It's a costly, challenging and time consuming procedure and not recommended for the beginner fishkeeper.

    Have a read through these sites and you'll get an idea:

    DON'T just chuck a male and female in together, they'll more likely kill each other than breed.

    Also re: eggs, the male cares for them until they hatch, the female has to be removed as soon as the eggs are in the nest (yes the male builds a bubble nest). None of this removing both immediately after (keeping them wet? what? they're laid in water and never leave), that will result in no fry unless you're prepared to dote over the eggs and resulting fry, putting them back in the nest yourself until they're free swimming.

  5. #5
    LaLa's Avatar
    You put a male and a female into the same tank. Then the female lays the eggs.http://www.google.ca/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_en&q=betta+fish+breeding

  6. #6
    kiolbasa's Avatar
    You should put the two in a tank and hope for the best. If the fish hate eachother then tough luck.

  7. #7
    kim_pamela_co's Avatar
    The female betta doesn't really look like a betta.
    Unlike the male, she doesn't have the long fins and most females have this little white dot under its body.
    You can just ask the guy in the fish store for it.
    But then, sadly, not all fish stores have females, -Maybe because they don't look as pretty as the male.

    So, all you have to do is put them in a tank together, and just make sure that they don't hurt each other. Then, to be safe, when you see the eggs, try to separate the fish from the eggs because most fish eat their eggs. (But you should observe them before doing that because maybe your betta is a good parent. :] ) But then the tricky part is, when you take the fish away from the eggs, you should make sure that the eggs are always wet. :]

    Hope i helped! :]



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