Every other week I review the past two weeks. The contents of this review may vary, but among the returning topics are the performance figures of this blog, my progress towards my goals and my experiences with productivity systems and habits.
Here I am sitting with my laptop on the couch, trying to come up with a good beginning for this bi-weekly review. I’ve tried several already, but I can’t seem to find that one that describes the madness that the past two weeks have been.
Got some credit?

Of course there’s the madness that the credit crisis is causing on stock markets around the world. It’s been interesting to watch how the numbers kept on plunging towards deeper and deeper levels. Fantastic! I like serious change, and it’s happening all around us. Mind you, I don’t own stock, so I basically lack the emotional effects a lot of people will feel. If this is you, I’m sorry for your losses. I don’t know what you should do either…
I have learned two things from this crisis so far. First of all I have learned a lot (big events tend to invoke a need to learn in me). I have gained more understanding about the foundations on which our financial system has been built, and why it’s shaking on that very foundation right now. If you’re interested in that, check the 47 minute video “Money as debt” for a starter. It’s a great introduction into the banking and monetary system.
Second, I have told a lot of people that a part of me likes it that the economy is weakening while I’m moving towards entrepreneurship. It’s when the going gets tough that quality arises, so if I can start in bad times I’m going to make it through all cycles. It seems that the universe has upped the ante by pulling the magic credit crisis trick from the big hat. My plans haven’t changed, my attitude hasn’t changed, but the challenge is even bigger now. Bring it on, I say!
Today I’m running towards…

…the exit? Neh, towards the finish! That’s what I’ve done today. I finished my running goal this week.

You already know I downgraded that goal not too long ago. I kept the deadline (the marathon event in Eindhoven, my home town), but I ran the City Run (6km) instead of the half marathon (21.1km). That event was today, and I finished in a time of 33 minutes and 48 seconds, averaging 10.6 km/h. I crossed the finish line in 555th place of 2313 contestants, which doesn’t sound all that impressive… But I’m very satisfied with my performance, and I loved the run.
And wow, the effect of a cheering crowd is amazing. It really feels like they channel energy towards you and it makes you give an extra 10%. Which kind of sucks in the crowdless parts of the run, because that’s where you pay the bill for those 10%… I blame it on inexperience
For now I’ll just keep on running for fitness and fun, but without a new goal, because I’m adopting the…
One Goal Mindset

The One Goal Mindset is exactly what is says it is. It’s about having only one goal, on which you can focus all your attention. Simple.
I was being a tough guy when I said “Bring it on” to the credit crisis or the economic developments. Sure it has an effect on me too, and right now it has lead me to move towards this One Goal Mindset. In these circumstances I cannot afford to divert my attention between too many different goals. One goal, focused effort.
Of course I will still have several other activities that are fun and relaxing. Learning is one of the activities that relaxes me, so learning to play the guitar is relaxing because I learn something new. Writing blog posts is relaxing, because I tend to learn a lot about a topic or about myself when I write.
Blog performance

That’s the icing on the cake today. Here’s a new overview of the stats.
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