My baby girl is 6 weeks old and suffers terribly from colic/wind.
The reason being is that she is a very hungry baby. She drinks very quickly depsite using slow flow teats and as a result of this she is sick when I try to wind her and is always being sick! (I wind her a few times during her feed). She is very difficult to wind and I have tried infacol and gripe water (to no avail) and found that dentinox works the best out of the 3 but still doesn't help completely. She also gets constipated and when she is in pain, she forces wind out of her bottom which is very smelly. As a result of all of this, she cries most of the time. It's not her hungry cry, but a "I'm in pain cry". It's very upsetting as I don't know what else I can do. I think this is all happening because she drinks her milk so quickly. She drinks 3oz every 2 hours. Most of it is breast milk, but as I can't always keep up with her demands, I top up with formula. I've spoken to my health visitor about this and she says this is normal etc. But I'm struggling to cope with the crying and it's getting me down. Is there anything I can do to help the colic or a way of making her drik slower as I believe this is the root of the problem. Has anyone been through this and have any advice?