On the website I am currently working on, I wanted to have a media player that would keep playing no matter where you got to on the site. For this, I made a banner and put it into a frame along with the media player. I am using a media player from playlist.com, however I only wanted the controls to show so that it would fit in the banner yet it wouldn't be hidden or obscured. I put it into a div and used negative margins. This works great in all browsers except for those based on webkit. How can I get the same effect to work in Chrome and Safari?

The site isn't exactly public yet, we're making it to replace the old one. The objective of having cross-compatibility in place is that if someone only has one browser to work with, we don't want them to have to switch over just for our site. And Chrome and Safari are widely used. All windows users that I know use Chrome because of it's speed and all Mac users I know use Safari because their too lazy to install anything else.